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Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One Page 9

  “I trained with him in my youth. He is the best. Tell him you accept his offer place your hand on his head and dub him protector of Vera Princess of Median.”

  I did exactly as Garrik said. Sir Tomilson stood with a broad smile spreading across his face. I could tell it is an honor to be my personal guard. I wondered why Prince Garrik didn't have one, maybe he wasn't in need of one?

  Sir Tomilson moved to my side and then stood a few steps behind me. “Thank you Princess,” he whispered, then drifted off into the shadows behind the throne. I knew he was still there watching accessing all who approached me.

  The line moved on. I had met two other members of the Elven Council, one female and one male. Both were positive and friendly. I could sense no ill will towards me. They expressed interest in my gifts and asked for updates in regards to my training and growth. Both the King and I agreed that that was fair. There were other knights as well who pledged their loyalty to the crown and vowed to protect me as they would their king. After the last knight stalked off I saw the line was at an end and the end was Echo.

  Prince Echo was wearing black tunic and black pants with his sword at his waist. His cuffs trimmed in gold, and there was a insignia of a golden crown on his breast. I looked over to Garrik and saw his mouth drawn into a firm hard line. His eyes were shooting darts at this dark man I wanted no part of. He bowed deeply to the Queen and King ignoring Prince Garrik completely turning his attention upon me. I was still standing in front of my throne. Echo stepped forward and dropped to his knee in front of me. Everyone in the throne room stopped dancing and gasped. The music even faded. This must be something special. I take a step backwards until the back of my calves were up against my chair. All eyes were on us. Garrik was silent, the King and Queen looked concerned then Echo spoke with his deep baritone voice.

  “Princess Vera, I would like to pledge my allegiance and my heart to you. When my trainer duties are met I vow to stay behind and protect you as completely as if you were mine.”

  The crowd let out an audible gasp as he spoke. I felt my eyes flash gold again in anger and worry. How dare he put me on the spot in front of everyone in Tindril. I was about to speak to deny him his vow then I heard Garrik's sharp angry words.

  “You can't deny him, he is a Prince. This is his right.”

  Tears welled up in my eyes at the thought of touching him. I took a deep breath and stepped forward.

  “I accept your offer of protection, Prince Echo.” The words came out lacking any emotion but sadness. I reached my hand out to touch the top of his dark head. Gold sparks popped before my hand even made contact. The crowd made noise causing people to start talking like crazy. I stepped back into my chair again. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I felt my face pale, everyone was staring. I don't know what to do. I could feel Garrik's heart crack along our bond it made me screech in pain. I am still connected to Garrik, otherwise I wouldn't be feeling his pain. Echo stood looked at me with a sinister grin. I heard his words echo through my mind. “You will be mine as well. I can share.” It wasn't a request. It was a promise. He turned then walked away.

  The crowd parted for him as he left the throne room. In that single moment of confusion I took the opportunity to turn and exit the throne room through the hidden door. Sir Tomilson followed behind me. I could hear the King speaking calming the crowd.

  Chapter Eleven

  I wanted to be alone, but realized I will never be alone again with Sir Tomilson sticking to me like glue.

  “I am sorry, Princess. I need to stay with you when there is unrest. Someone has to keep you safe.” As soon as the words exited his mouth Garrik entered the solar. He rushed me, picked me up and squeezed me tight.

  “I am still yours, Vera. You are still mine. This doesn't change what we are it only makes things more complicated.”

  “Can't I deny him? I was told I had choice with you. Don't I have a choice with Echo as well? I choose to not to choose him!”, I said it with force and I believed every word I said. Regardless of the connection I can choose not to honor it.

  “I know.” Was all Garrik said as I leaned into his chest and cried.

  “I am so sorry.” I said, falling back on my old habit of apologizing.

  “There is something at work bigger than the two of us. It is not your fault. I have a feeling tonight will be a late night.” Garrik led me to a giant chair that sat in front of the fireplace kissing my forehead before turning to leave. I was emotionally exhausted. I didn't understand what all this stuff meant. I have only been here for two days. It is too much. Sir Tomilson came to my side holding a blanket. I had put my feet into the big chair as he covered me up.

  “There is no shame in releasing your emotions, Princess. Cry it out while you have a moment. I will stay with you.”

  I did exactly as Tomilson suggested. I cried and cried. Rivers of tears flowed from my eyes. My head hurt from the ugly sobbing I did. Finally after what seemed like an eternity my tears slowed and my breathing calmed. I closed my eyes praying for sleep. Please let me sleep. My body betrayed my wishes as sleep never came in that chair.

  Sir Tomilson mumbled, “Princess, everyone is meeting in the war room, and I am to bring you as soon as you are able.”

  “Thank you, Tom. Can I call you Tom? You have amazing eyes, friend. Will you be my friend? I desperately need a friend I can trust.” I had lost my mind. Kelly was the only friend I could trust. I missed hear terribly in that moment. I felt truth and honesty drift through Tom’s violet eyes.

  “Princess, I will always be your friend whenever you need it.” It was the truth. I hope Garrik doesn't mind that the person I will choose to confide in is another man, my personal guard at that. As I stood up I wondered if there was some kind of bond forged when I accepted a personal guard. Perhaps there was even more magic a foot, or the universe knew that right in this moment I needed a Kelly kind of friend thus it gifted me with a Tom.

  I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror near the door. My eyes were tinged red in the corners due to my hour long crying session. They had turned emerald green except for the tiny gold rim around my pupils. I didn't know what it meant, but something told me there was more to the gold part of my eyes than anyone was telling me. I hope this middle of the night meeting will give us all more answers. I go to open the door back to the throne room, but Tom stopped me.

  “Excuse me Princess, I think you would rather take the back hallways to avoid palace workers.” I nodded, of course there would be back hallways otherwise the King and Queen would be running into people who want something all time. I allow Tom to lead the way. This hallway was narrow and dark. Only a single lantern light every ten or fifteen feet. I saw the occasional seam in the wall indicating hidden stone doors. Finally after about five minutes of curving and turning down long halls we came to a door at a dead end. Tom looked to me.

  “ Only royalty can open this door.” I didn't hesitate. I lifted my hand and said, “Open.” I gasped in surprise to see it worked even Tindril accepts me as a royal. We entered a small private sitting room decorated in crimson colors.

  “Breathe Princess, are you ready?” I nodded as Tom opened the door. The room we entered was a perfect big circle with a round table like out of the stories of King Arthur. There was a green and gold circle rug underneath the table. A tapestry hung from the wall. It was sage green with a gold stag outline in the center. The royal family didn't tout their colors often. In fact I hadn't seen anyone in an official color except myself and the two guards at the throne room doors. I am wearing their colors. I am not only wearing their colors I am their colors. My eyes. I am one that always looks for signs in life. To help me point to where I am meant to be. This for me was a sign. I took a deep breath and pulled my shoulders back. No more time for tears.

  I looked around the room to see everyone staring at me. The King, Queen, two of the three members of the Elven Council in Tindril, and my Garrik. It was a small meeting. Garrik strode around the table and brought me
to a chair next to where he stood. I sat down sighing.

  “Okay, can someone please tell me what this all means?”

  Councilwoman Rose spoke out first. I hadn't given her much attention in the throne room, but now she has my complete focus. I notice her hair is pink, she is the most unique looking elf yet.

  “I believe I am the one most suited to explain the first part of this to you.” She said. I nodded to give her the floor.

  “I don't know if you have noticed but your eyes are multi-colored.” I nodded, Rose continued, “It’s a trait unique to you.”

  I stop her and say, “My human eyes were hazel, I assumed that it was a reflection of my human self.”

  Rose shook her head, “No Princess, your eyes are a reflection of your elvish roots. If you look around you won't see any other eyes with two colors like yours. Light Elves can have any color of eye, often reflecting the color of their inner flame or soul. Dark Elves have only one color of eyes, gold.”

  I am confident I knew where she was going with this. “We all knew tonight that you were a half-breed, but it is not human and elf we are discussing. It is Light Elf and Dark Elf.” I shook my head, no I am an elf in a human body. I am in no way also half Light and half Dark.

  Garrik heard my thoughts and spoke up, “ You need to stop thinking of yourself as human. Your soul is pure elf. You only had to use a human body to return. No one expected a lost elf soul to ever show up as being part of the Dark and Light. It doesn't happen. Even when a Dark Elf and Light Elf cross they can only produce a child if they have matching flames. They can not have matching flames unless their magics match. Dark and Light have different types of magic. So, you are an anomaly. An impossible elf.”

  Ugh, why can't I be a normal elf if I am going to be an elf?

  “I know how you feel,” Rose said. “I am an anomaly as well. I am half Fae. I was raised in Elmora by my mother, who was also a council member. She conceived me while working as an ambassador to Faerie. I shouldn't have happened, yet here I am. I fell into my destined role to act as a bridge between the elves and fairies. I wasn't always accepted in either place. I even stopped a giant war three centuries ago that could have wiped out both realms”

  King Rew nodded in agreement. “Rose was a gift from the Goddess. She saved our people, and has chosen to continue to work for peace throughout the realms. I believe your purpose is similar to hers.”

  Councilman Tyrel spoke up next, “Echo is doing his part of a treaty. He was to travel and train scouts to help Light Elf kingdoms. The Dark and Light Elves mostly get along, but within the last century King Talon, Echo’s father, has become greedy. To combat this the Elven Council ordered each Dark Kingdom to send one of the royal family forth to serve the Light for fifty years. Prince Echo spent Twenty-five years with the Light Kingdom Easterly. He is now beginning his third year with the Kingdom of Median. Our thought was to foster friendship with the Light to prevent war.

  It may be backfiring though, King Talon has not been able to produce another heir. He only has Echo and he has been separated from him for over twenty-five years. The other Dark kingdoms are also becoming annoyed with the passage of time.”

  Rose steps in, “Echo is magically bonded to the Light to complete his training and work. He can't leave the Kingdom of Median until his twenty-five years is complete otherwise he faces banishment to the Human Realm. Tonight he stepped forward and dedicated himself to you. Revealing to everyone the spark. He bound himself to the Light as long as he lives. When word gets back to King Talon, he will be furious. We may even see retribution on the Light in some form, although it was none of your doing.”

  King Rew finishes, “We may very well be looking at war, and I am not certain the Median will be ready for it. I have sent out birds to all of our major centers requesting spare scouts and warriors be for training. I also sent out individual calls for all who may want to train for knighthood. We don't have to worry about Echo, as he sparked with Vera. He will fight by her side.”

  I shook my head. This is too much. “So, you are saying I am both Dark and Light Elf. That in a past life I died in the Human Realm. I was reincarnated, who knows how many times, until I found my way back to the Elmora. Garrik is my flame, but so is Echo? That there will be a war, because Echo dedicated himself to me?”

  I can't handle this shit. No, No, No, No was all that I was projecting.

  “I do not like it much either, little Vera. I knew when your eyes changed this afternoon it meant you were not a Light Elf alone, but I still love you. I am still bonded to you, and you will still be my Queen. Nothing can change any of that.”

  “But, I don't have to accept Echo. You told me I have the freedom of choice.”

  “You do,” Garrik said. There was a long pause like Garrik couldn't bring himself to say the rest, “But, the only way denying Echo would work is if you were to never seen him again. The pull is strong.”

  “If you had denied Garrik you would have had to leave or you would have submitted to the bond.” King Rew finished for Garrik.

  “Has anyone been bonded to more than two before?”

  Tyrel shook his head, “No.”

  Rose spoke up again saying, “This also presents another problem. We know you have the same magic as Garrik. We know eventually you will also show his ability of persuasion. What we now also know is that you will also have Echo's magic. His is earth and shadow magic. Like Garrik he has two powerful magics. Earth allows him to manipulate the earth to small degrees. Earth magic is what built this palace,” That made sense. “Shadow magic allows him to hide unseen until he wants to be seen. It is why he is training scouts. He teaches them to be pure stealth in nature.”

  A light bulb went off in my head. “Shadow magic. It is how I hid so well for so long. Not only was it the barriers I erected I also became versed in the power of blending in.”

  It was Garrik's turn to nod, “Most likely. I had to hire a human to find her. She spent over ten years being untraceable.”

  “So, what do we do now?” I asked.

  King Rew answered, “As I said earlier we have already started preparing for war. Now it will be of utmost importance that you continue your training. Sir Tomilson will move into Garrik's room, and Garrik will move into yours. It will be necessary to keep both men near you for your protection.”

  I nodded. I gave it some thought, I need to tell them the other color I saw in my flame. We may have an even bigger problem at hand. I do not know who the blue belongs to, and I don't think Garrik could handle anymore surprises if another man appears in my life.

  I stood, “When I was in meditation with Toby and Garrik I saw my flame. I saw my main color green, I saw Garrik's teal, Echo's gold, but there was one more color in there as well, it was a deep blue.” Garrik scowled and slammed his fist into the table. “I am sorry, Garrik. I am truly sorry.” Tears began to well up in my eyes again.

  Queen Lyra put her arms around her son, “I too do not like hearing this Garrik. Let us not worry about the third color for now. One obstacle at a time. It could be centuries before something could come of that color. If it ever does. All this means is Vera might have more magic we are unfamiliar with.”

  I didn't quite understand the colors in our individual flames, “Should I have a magic specific to me since my main color is green? One that I would share with both Garrik and Echo? Is that how this works? What is my personal magic?” I ask.

  Everyone looks at me like they hadn't even gave it a thought. “Garrik have you had another magic appear yet? Vera is right. We are missing another magic.” Garrik shook his head, as he stood and pulled me into his arms and rested his chin on my head.

  “No, I don't think you are missing a magic.” Tom spoke up. Everyone stopped and stared at him.

  “What are you talking about Tomilson?” asked Rose.

  “My only magic is protection. I can erect shields and I can see when shields are erected. Yesterday I saw Vera in the hall and I could see her shield she was ta
pping it with energy checking its strength. She has a magic like mine, only much stronger. I can't perpetually keep a shield in place.”

  “Tomilson is right. When I found Vera in the Human Realm I couldn't even enter her room because it had a strong ward in place. The only reason I saw it was because I had tried to enter through the wall while she was home.” Garrik explained.

  “So, I have protection magic, traveling realm magic, persuasion magic, earth magic, shadow magic, and maybe at least one more hidden magic. I have a headache.” I rolled my eyes. I need rest. This is too much for me.

  King Rew spoke up next. “Let us call it a night. We have a plan in place.”

  Rose, “I am going to stay in Tindril with Vera. I want to assist her in her training. Tyrel will relay everything in this meeting to Langly and the rest of the Elven Council.”

  Tyrel nodded his agreement. “I already sent word for Langly to meet me in the courtyard. We are leaving within the hour.”

  We all said our goodbyes. Garrik and Tom walked me back to my room. Life had already become insane, now it is even more crazy. In my gut I knew I would survive I was just terrified of what or who I may lose along the way.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next two weeks passed in a blur. Garrik was living in my room now. Sir Tomilson was a sitting room away 24/7. I spent everyday training. Every night I would go for a run around the edge of the royal gardens while Tom stood watch. Garrik had retrieved my running shoes for me, but I had to make due with leather pants. I was getting faster and more fit than I had ever been in my life. In the Human Realm I ate crap all the time because crap was cheap and I was poor. Here I only eat the freshest food. The worst thing I partake of is my morning coffee routine. They would have to pull my coffee cup out of my cold dead fingers if anyone asked me to quit. Even Tomilson learned how to start the coffee pot first thing in the morning. Life is pretty good right now. The seasons are changing and the leaves have begun to fall in our area of Median.