Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One Read online

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  “Child, please don't be so formal with me. We are bound through my son.”

  “Vera, this is my father, King Rew.”

  “Nice to meet you King Rew,” I reached my hand out for a handshake. He grabbed it and pulled me into a deep hug.

  “I am so glad my son has finally found you and brought you home. He has been such a pain these last few years.”

  King Rew pulled away and told us that Garrik's mother has already eaten and is out in the gardens. Apparently she is an impatient woman like myself and we did not arrive on time she excused herself. I teased the King that she sounded like my kind of person.

  He laughed a great laugh again and turned to Garrik, “You need to take her to Toby this afternoon to start her training. I can see what you mean by missing parts.”

  I flushed confused. “I am missing parts?” I ask concerned.

  “No you are whole, but you are missing parts of your energy. It is like bits and pieces of what is you are buried away. You are no longer the child we all saw floating in our garden. We want to help bring you back into your true self. Back to life.”

  “Sorry, Vera that is what I wanted to talk to you about before our morning plans were derailed.”

  I nodded not knowing what to say to the two handsome elf men standing before me. We said our goodbye promising to eat dinner with them in the throne room tonight. The King was sure to tell me that news of my arrival has traveled fast and there is no use hiding when all know I am here. Garrik took my hand as we walked down another hall to a private garden.

  “You didn't tell me that others had seen me floating in you garden. How did that even happen?” I was becoming caught into deep thought. “The only way that could have happened is if I was able to travel the realms like you.”,

  “That is exactly what you can do, but you never even realized when you did it. It is like you would get lost in your thoughts and were in Elmora. You never even noticed you were here. Every time one of us tried to talk to you, you were pulled out of your thoughts and fell back into the Human Realm.”

  We had stopped at the entrance to the garden. Garrik leaned over me as I backed up against the wall next to the doorway. He was pinning me there with his body. I felt the warmth of electricity shoot through me. Not feeling brave enough to look at Garrik my eyes drifted towards the floor. He placed his hand on my chin lifting my face to his. He closed his teal eyes as he brushed his lips against mine softly. Then his mouth began to reach deeper like he needed more. So much more. His tongue pressed between my lips and my entire body began to tingle. I needed more as well and pushed my body into his. His arm came to cup the back of my head as our kiss reached heights that I never before experienced. Finally, I had to come to my senses. I placed my hand on his chest and pushed him back disconnecting our mouths. I was breathing heavy and felt tears in my eyes.

  “What was that?” asked breathlessly, and then answering my own question I gasped, “Flame. It has something to do with me being your flame doesn't it?” a tear had begun to fall down my cheek and Garrik wasted no time wiping it away with his finger.

  “Yes. I should explain more, but I worry how you will take it. I can keep you here forever if I wanted, but I don't want to make you do anything. I want you to choose to be here with me.”

  “Eh hmm” a female's voice made to pull our attention away from each other. I have no idea how long she had been standing there. We jumped a part.

  “Mother! I would like to introduce to you Vera. Vera this is Queen Lyra, my Mother.”

  The Queen had the same sandy hair and teal eyes as Garrik. Garrik gets his size from his father but his soft gentle looks came from his mother. Queen Lyra was also much smaller than the other elves I had seen. She was only a few inches taller than myself. She smiled a big toothy white smile and stepped forward pulling me into a hard hug. The Queen was much stronger than she appeared.

  “I am so glad you are finally here Vera! I have heard so much about you over the years.”

  “I thought I was only seen in the garden.”

  “Oh no dear, it was the garden where you were seen first. We have a private royal forest over that wall that you also liked to stalk through. I appealed to the Elven Council for you, you know. It only made sense to do so when Garrik and you share such a unique magic.”

  “I am sorry this is a lot for me to take in. I only realized that Garrik and I shared gifts a few moments ago. I didn't know that it meant anything.”

  “Oh pish posh. I will leave all that for Garrik to explain. I have a feeling you can sense

  more than you actually know. Following your instincts will serve you well while you are here at court.” Her eyes had the same little sparkle that I have often seen in Garrik. “I am glad to see that my gowns fit you well. I will send a seamstress up to your rooms today to have them shortened a few more inches.”

  “Oh wow, I didn't even realize this was your gown. Thank you so much. I am sorry I didn't have anything satisfactory to wear.”

  The Queen and Garrik broke down laughing. “No one expected you to have clothing for court, and I am the only one here even close to your size dear Vera.” She gave me another sweet motherly smile. It made me melt a little on the inside. I never had a motherly mother. My mother was strong and practical. She made sure I knew how to fend for myself and work hard.

  “Garrik, take her to the kitchen for some sustenance and then go find Toby. You need to get to work as soon as possible. It is almost noon and I can tell she hasn't eaten.” Turning to me she added, “I will see you tonight at dinner. We will dine in the throne room and invite the people within our area. I would like to announce Garrik finding his flame.”

  Garrik's face went white as she turned to leave. “Okay Garrik,” I said his name with a little extra force than needed. “You need to tell me what this flame business is, I can tell I may not like it.”

  Garrik gestured for me to step outside and sit along the edge of a basic but pretty enough garden fountain.

  “I am going to get straight to the point. You are my match. Our magics match, and our flames spark, you are destined to be mine, um to be my Queen.”

  I shook my head and replied without thought. “Not possible I am human.”

  “Your body is human but your soul is elf”

  “That makes no sense. How does something like that even happen?”

  “In the Human Realm when someone dies they have three choices. They can lurk in the underworld lost forever, they can be reincarnated, or if they are good souls they can go to the Heaven Realm to live out eternity.”

  “Sounds like Hell, Heaven, and Earth to me. You know I am not religious, but after seeing another realm I guess it is all possible. It still doesn't explain how an elf soul would be born in a human body. I know my parents are my parents as well. I have my mom's shape of eyes, and my dad's wide mouth. The only thing unique about me is my ever color changing eyes.”

  “Your elven eyes.” Garrik corrected me, “These are Royal gardens. Only the royal family are permitted here or I would send for food to be brought to us.”

  “You are changing the subject again. Let's get through this first then head to the kitchens. I feel like I have been proposed to, but not even sure if or how that is possible.”

  “I haven't proposed yet. Elven souls are re born into human bodies when they die in the human realm. It is the only way an elven soul has the chance to return to their own realm, and even then it is unlikely. So, at some point in a past life you died while visiting the human realm. You were reborn into a human body. A human body with an elven soul. You have locked away your elven parts trying to protect yourself and hide. You have some strong instincts, Vera. Toby will be able to help us bring it forth and when he does your looks might change . You may appear more elvish than human.”

  “I really don't think I would look good as Elvis.” I teased. Garrik smiled. He didn't get my joke. Apparently, I hadn't ever mentioned Elvis before or he would have done his research.

>   “Elvish. Not Elvis.”

  “It was a joke.” I punched him in the arm and went to stand.

  “So, does this mean you are willing to stay?”

  “Yes, there is nothing left for me in the Human Realm. I never quite fit in anyways. I might as well see where this goes. I am not sure I am ready to commit to immortality or being forever yours. Let's get me coffee and food. Oh Lord, you do have coffee in Elmora right? All bets are off if you can't get me coffee and my music. I really need music for any kind of training.”

  Garrik laughed, “I bought you a coffee machine years ago when it was first decided you needed to be here. I even told the kitchen to figure out a way to make it work!”

  “And my music?”

  This time he rolled his eyes and reached into a pocket underneath his tunic pulling out my phone.

  “Oh Garrik!” I leapt forward into his arms planting a kiss right on his lips. No one had ever been thoughtful in regards to me before. Something as simple as him grabbing my phone before we left completed me.

  “But how are we going to keep it charged?”

  “I have a solar powered charger I keep in my room. I had to get a cell phone while I was in the Human Realm hunting for my missing flame.”

  “I am sorry. I would have never hid from you had I known.”

  “I know Vera, I know. Elves all have the ability to make humans forget. Unless we will you to remember we will have always appear as a dream”

  With that we walked in silence to the kitchen. The palace is mesmerizing and so large I doubted I would ever be able to find my way around it. I could only make it from my room to the throne room safely, oh and the private court yard I arrived in the night before. Upon entering the kitchen every elf there stopped and stared. It went quiet and someone dropped a pan onto the perfect stone floor. The sound echoed through the room. These are the first regular elves I have seen and it was plain to see they didn't know what to do. Was it because I am human? Heat flushed to my cheeks as embarrassment warmed over my body again.

  “Everyone this is Lady Vera, she missed breakfast and would like some sustenance brought to her room. You will all treat her as you treat me, Royally.” The last word was a command. Everyone looked around and nodded their heads. Garrik then turned to a tiny man, pixie? A Pixie! I took a breath in as the tiny man climbed up some little stairs onto the counter.

  “Parsley, I would like you to meet Lady Vera. Vera, this is Parsley. He is the head chef.”

  I couldn't stop myself “Well met, Parsley. Are you a pixie like a faerie?” I took in his little waif like body and pointed ears.

  Everyone in the kitchen sucked in a ton of air and Parsley's little face went red. Red Red. Redder than red even.

  Garrik chuckled, “Take no offense, Parsley. Vera is new here and doesn't know.”

  “Do I have wings Lady Vera?” I shook my head no and immediately began to apologize. Garrik put his finger to my lips.

  “You do not have to apologize to anyone ever. It is unbecoming of your station with our family.” Again everyone's eyes went wide. I had to get out of here.

  I nodded to Parsley, picked up my dress to prevent tripping and rushed out. Once out of the kitchen I began to pick up speed faster and faster until I was running as fast as I could not looking where I was going. I needed to clear my head and the best way to do that was to run. My head is no longer in the game. My flight instincts have kicked into full gear. I rounded a corner plowing into a wall.

  I was sent flying backwards my bottom hitting the floor hard. Looking up I realize I didn't run into a wall. I ran into a man, taller than Garrik even. He had beautiful dark mocha skin. He was dressed in the same style of soft leather pants that Garrik likes to wear. His tunic was a dark brown contrasting the tan color of his pants. The big difference was that there were no sleeves and his giant muscles bulged outwards. He had dark black straight hair cut short and worn shaggy. His eyes sneered and pierced into me with what felt like hate. They were the most unsettling shade of yellow. This man was a predator.

  “Lady Vera I presume.” His voice was rough and thick. I had heard it before. Today in my bedroom.

  “Echo?” I asked as I attempted to straighten my dress so I could climb to my feet.

  “Oh, you have heard me before haven't you? You ran to your little Prince so he could fight for your honor.” he sneered.

  Surprising me he stepped forward and reached out a giant hand to help me to my feet. I didn't want to grab it, yet it would save me from embarrassing myself further by falling on my face attempting to get up on own. My hand settled in his and a sharp electric shock reverberated down my arm causing my heart to skip. I dropped my hand and rubbed it into my dress as hard as I could. I scooted backwards on the floor and looked up at Echo. His eyes were wide and his mouth hung open like his jaw was on a hinge. This wasn't possible I am connected to Garrik, not this human hating Echo.

  “Echo! What did you do to Lady Vera?” Garrik's voice echoed down the hall as he turned the corner. It had been seconds since I had ran into Echo and fell to the floor but it felt like minutes, hours, days. I felt exactly the same looking at this giant of an Elf-man as I did when I looked at Garrik.

  “I did nothing to your human. She turned the corner and ran into me, fell to the floor. I was about to help her to her feet.”

  I felt a tingling feeling as Garrik lifted me from the floor from behind.

  “Tread softly, Echo. You may be a Prince where you are from but here you are a trainer, and Lady Vera is my flame. Your dislike of humans will not be tolerated.”

  A prince? Why does every elven prince make my heart go wild, and what kind of elf is Echo? I nod to Echo still stunned into silence as Garrik led me away.

  “Be careful around Echo. He does not like your kind and he is a Dark Elf. It does not mean he is a bad person. Dark Elves balance the Light. Light Elves bring forth the arts, music, education, all things that can be enlightening. Dark Elves are protectors of the realm, warriors, but they are also very talented healers. The Light has scouts, warriors, and healers as well it is just more of the Dark's specialty.” I nodded my understanding as we stepped into my room. Taryn was pulling gowns out of my wardrobe.

  Chapter Eight

  “Well met Lady Vera. I am am taking these gowns to our seamstress as the Queen asked. I will be out shortly. Prince Garrik, Toby said he will be free within the hour.”

  I followed the sweet smell of coffee to the sitting room. There I found a coffee machine with fresh brewed coffee. I went over filling up my cup. On the table was a small dish of what appeared to be milk. Perfect. I sat in my chair and finished my cup. Garrik had gone into his room for a minute, not sure what he was doing. All I knew is I enjoyed the time alone with my coffee. The table had little finger sandwiches set out and a pasta salad of some kind. Life was good. I filled my plate of food and proceeded to scarf it down with ferocity. I only looked up to wash it down with the elf wine. Leaning against the wall was Garrik.

  “You have to have some form of control at dinner tonight. You look rabid” he teased.

  “I would have control if people would stop forgetting to feed me!” I snapped.

  “I will have a snack left here after training, that way you can violently feed in the sitting room versus in public.” Garrik winked at me. I ignored his remark.

  “Can I train in my dress or do I need pants like yours?”

  “No, you should be fine in a dress. Today should be mental work only. I will stay with you the entire time, so no worries.”

  I nodded. I am glad that Garrik is going to stay with me. I am terrified of running into more guys like Echo. I make a quick run to the bathroom and take another sip of coffee followed by a cool drink of elf wine. Garrik and I headed out the door and down the hall.

  “The training facility is behind the castle across from the stables. It is easy enough to find. All you have to do is follow this hall from our stairs to the back of the palace and out the small door there. See?
” He said pointing forward. “You will need to spend time there everyday and unfortunately I can not guarantee I will always be able to go with you.”

  Outside the sun is shinning bright and warm. It feels a bit like indian summer. Fall is here, but the world is hanging on to every last bit of warmth it can squeeze from the sun before the cold arrives. I could see the stables now. The smell of horses and hay drifted to my nose. This feels like it could become home to me. I can't wait to see the horses and take one for a ride if they would allow. I might even be able to get a job in the stables. It would be work I am good at and could do well even if it has been years since I lived on the farm. Some things you do not forget.

  “I already have the perfect horse for you.” Garrik replies to my thoughts again.

  “I never doubted you wouldn't Garrik. Not even once. I knew you would know how getting to ride a horse again would make me feel. You know me better than I do.”

  I hope my remark didn't come across as snide. It was true, I have a growing faith in him. He knows me deeper than I even know me. Yes, it is unsettling, but it is also refreshing. I have spent my entire life repressing parts of myself, hiding, escaping in books, booze, and running, I need a safe place and a safe person. I have recently found both. I spent over ten years alone before finding it. What a wasted life. Now I needed grow some she balls and bring down my well constructed barriers. I don't want to be haunted again. Never again. I trust Garrik, I may not be able to give in to the truth of it all, but I trust him and That is enough for now.

  Before I began grounding my gifts I was actually visiting Elmora. I don't understand how, but Garrik seems to have the same ability to step from one realm to the next without a gate. A realm walker. All others need to go through the gates to move from one realm to the rest. I hadn't had time since arriving last night to give much thought to it. I know that there may be more to the dead that would haunt me before I went into hiding. If anyone is going to have answers it sounds like it will be this Toby guy.