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Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One Page 28

  I chose to disband the former Elven Council to start a new one. I made Rose the High Councilwoman and kept Councilman Tyrel. I then asked Toby to join as well which he accepted. I had many positions left available, but am in no hurry to fill them. I want to make sure each choice is the right one.

  I set Garrik to work helping each kingdom open an office in the Human Realm. This way we can send e-mails, pictures, and mail. It will help limit me transporting all over Elmora on mundane errands. We agreed that Elmora did not need to be tainted with telephone poles and such as that. The Human Realm is an acceptable way to travel swiftly and communicate easier. We also still have use of the crystals.

  Besa, my twin sister who happened to be the Goddess of Faerie, has invited me to visit. I told her one realm at a time and as soon as Elmora was set right I would be there. She hinted that there are more realms than I know. Unfortunately Garrik is only familiar with the ones I have already visited. So, that mystery must stand for another day. My plate is overflowing with Elmora at the time.

  I have not yet checked in on Talon, but I did grant Echo time to try and find him. Echo was gone for an entire month and never found his Father. I felt bad for Echo, but kept reminding him and myself that I gave Talon a choice. I know that eventually we will hear from him again and I dreaded the day. A small part of me worries about Talon contacting one of the new elven offices set up in the Human Realm. I do not expect any of my children to work with him, but the 'what if' is always at the back of my mind. I try not to focus on small possibilities such as that one. No humans are allowed to enter Elmora without permission. Finley informed me about protections that were on the gates preventing it. He said the Elven Council and myself would know the minute one did. Talon was banished and basically a human now. I would know if he re entered our world which set my mind at ease.

  Life has been too busy for me to put much more into my love life. My men don't seem to mind. While Echo and Garrik have been off working on their projects Sir Tomilson has not left my side. I know that our duties and responsibilities may wear on each other at times, but nothing can break our bond. All three men are as close as brothers now.

  Soon I will get to return to my home and the Kingdoms of Elmora will come to visit me. They will pledge their allegiance. I will then spend time traveling to every corner of Elmora visiting them all. It could take years, but will be worth it. I may be immortal, but I know that can always change. There are ways to kill a Goddess a fact I will never forget. I have decided that I will enjoy every moment of life I have and travel to every inch of Elmora. I also want to see other realms that exist.

  Life is full of possibilities and adventures now. Who knows what challenges we may face together and where seeds of darkness may grow next. My goal is to bring Elmora back into an era of peace without being overbearing. I want freedom and that is exactly what I will get. No one can tie this High Queen down to one realm.

  About the Author

  Anna LaVerne is a passionate writer from the Midwest. She is a self proclaimed insomniac and coffee addict who passes the night hours sitting at a keyboard in front of a computer screen. When she is not typing she is busy reading anything romance and fantasy related. During the day she is a stay at home mom to little humans and fur babies.

  If you would like to stay up to date on all new releases and sneak peeks please follow Anna on her Facebook page at

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