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Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One Page 25

  “Wait, I thought we had at least another week if not more.”

  “We did, but then we took Queen Maria hostage and stole Prince Garrik back. Talon is giving us three days to get there, and day one is almost gone. I want to be at The Fort with a day to spare that means we need to rent a car and leave tomorrow. The only one of us that has a credit card and sufficient ID is Garrik. If we are not there then Talon is threatening to bring his forces upon Tindril. Queen Lyra went into hiding. King Rew said that Tindril is not setup to withstand a siege from an army that size. So, we need to end this soon.” I sighed, “Here Tom Tom, sit down and eat. I am famished I know you have to be as well.”

  He looked at his slice of supreme style pizza and extra cheese with a confused look. “What is this?”

  “Pizza. It has every food group in it. Eat. You can thank me later,” which he did immediately after finishing his first slice. He got up and grabbed an entire box sat on the floor. I gave him a glass of water apologizing for not keeping elf wine in my fridge while I was away in Elmora.

  “That look fits you,” Tomilson said towards Echo as he exited the bathroom. I peaked my head around the corner to see Echo standing in his dark brown leather pants shirtless. All of his muscles on show. I felt myself blushing and turned to get Echo his very own pizza box. He took a seat on the edge of the bed and bit into his first slice. Not looking near as confused as Tomilson.

  “This is pizza? How have I missed out on this my entire life? Why haven't you shared this with me before? Do you know how to make it?” Tomilson and I were both laughing.

  “Yes, yes I do. However, it is not as good as the pizza you are eating right now.”

  I took another slice and sat down on the bed staring at Garrik, “When I first saw him sitting in my room on this very bed I thought it was a dream. I wondered if I had ever bed him and he was quick to answer my thought 'Not yet.” I sighed lost in the memory, “I love my new life and the people in it but I hate how much we have had to go through already. I need this all to be over. I don't even know what or where I have to go once this is done. I am a High Queen. What does that even entail?”

  “You will go to your castle in Ireland and begin your rule. You will need to rebuild your city and then travel to every kingdom at least once, but first they will come one by one to pledge allegiance. You will get to appoint a new council as well. You know I will help you every step of the way.” Tomilson said as he took his pizza box back to the kitchen.

  “I will go with you, sweetling. I would bet my ring finger that Garrik will be with us as well,” Echo laughed heartily at his own joke. Tomilson and I scowled at him. “What? Too soon?”

  “I am happy someone has a plan for me. I have never been good at making future plans for myself. Right now, we need to sleep. I took off my boots and jeans then climbed into bed next to Garrik. I lifted his arm so I could squeeze into his body breathing in the scent of fresh rain.

  I awoke to the smell of coffee filling the room. Stretching out in my old bed I tried to will my eyes open. When they didn't I found myself repeating the now old saying, “I am Vera.”

  “Yes you are, my Vera, my Queen, my Goddess, and now my Savior,” My eyes flew open as I jumped up in the bed.

  “GARRIK!!” I stood on the bed and jumped into his arms. He was wide awake all the bruises were gone. He had showered and put on human clothing. Worn jeans, boots, and a burgundy hoody. I wrapped my bare legs around his waist and hugged hims as tight as I could. Burrowing my head into his neck and shoulder. He sat me back down upon the bed and gave me a deep,strong, and much needed kiss.

  “Tomilson kept telling me you were going to be fine, but I couldn't see how. You were completely out in Inferious. Echo and Tomilson had to carry you miles it seemed. Yet here you are!”

  I reached for his hand to look. The bandage had been removed and his skin had healed over. There was a short nub where his ring finger belonged. My sweet sweet husband and his missing ring finger. This was my fault. I was a bad partner. I should have given him the support he needed.

  “No, it was my fault not wanting to share you and not adapting well to complications. I should have stopped being a spoiled prince and supported you. I should have also been more prepared when I went to the Human Realm to clear my head. I am sorry.”

  “Damn right you should have,” I punched him on his chest. “I am sorry too though. I will show you just how sorry I am when this is all done,” I countered with a sly smile.

  “Tomilson and I went and rented a car first thing this morning while you slept. We also stopped and bought Echo some clothing.”

  “Wow, I can’t believe I slept through all that.” I grabbed his arm and pulled myself back into his chest one more time.

  “You are too cute when you sleep and you needed the rest.” I rolled my eyes. I am always cute, even when I am an exotic High Queen of Elmora. I smiled and then looked to the kitchen, “I am going to drink a coffee and eat the leftover pizza.”

  “Uh there isn't any left over pizza,” Echo said from the kitchen.

  I groaned, “ Five large pizzas. FIVE! Okay, fine whatever I will make a coffee.”

  “I wish I knew where this 'The Fort' was so we could just zap there from Elmora. Would make life a little bit easier,” I turned to Echo.

  “I have no idea where or what it is either, Sweetling. Technically if Tomilson sent you an image you could right?” Echo came behind me wrapping his arms around me putting the big ol' palms of his hands on their own individual boob.

  “Not now. Too much on my mind, plus we have to get our things together and leave soon.” I wiggled out and took a good long look at Echo in human clothing. He was wearing a red checkered flannel shirt, dark blue jeans, and a beanie on his head for warmth. He looked like a handsome beardless lumberjack.

  “I have no idea why you would want to cut your hair off when it is freezing outside.” Garrik said as he motioned for the door, “Take your coffee to go, Vera, it is going to be an all day drive. We need to get going.

  “We need to get me some food on our way and for the record I want to avoid battle.” I replied as I put on some jeans and went to pour my coffee into a to go mug.

  “How do you expect to do that?” Tomilson asked me with all seriousness.

  “Kill Talon first, duh”

  “And how do you expect to do that, Vera?” Garrik looked at me with his lips curling at the edges in the sly smile.

  “I am going to wing it,” I gave him my wink that looks like a puppy having a seizure. Someday I am sure I will master a sexy wink. I could tell by the look on my Elf-man that today is not that day.

  I had my jeans and elven boots on with my white thermal long sleeve shirt for warmth. I rushed to searched through my drawers to find a red knitted sweater to wear over it. I dug through the closet to find my heavy wool pea coat. The warmest thing I had. I grabbed a matching red beaning as well. I felt guilty I was leaving my apartment in such disarray once again.

  “I will send someone to clean it. After this it may be better for me to send someone to box up your things and bring them to Elmora. You are not going to have a chance to revisit your little abode often.”

  Garrik was right, and I had no reason to come back other than to get my things. I don't even have to do that. There will always be someone to do those kind of things for me. Once outside Garrik motioned for us to follow him to a new Chevrolet Tahoe.

  “Wow, that is a bit much isn't it?”

  “Not at all, if we hit bad weather we will be prepared. Bonus, could you imagine Echo squeezing into the back of a prius?”

  “Solid point.”

  The SUV had navigation which helped point us in the right direction. We will be able to get as close to The Fort as we can with this vehicle. I still had no idea where in Oklahoma we were heading. I only knew it was an all day drive and Garrik promised to stop and get me a breakfast burrito and more coffee on the way. That is all I needed. As we drove and the Elf-men talked I sat back with an
odd feeling of bliss. We are getting ready to go into the biggest battle Elmora has seen in centuries yet I was happy in this moment. I didn't want to be anywhere else at this moment other than here on this highway heading south with the three people I loved more than anything in the world.

  I chose to ride shotgun leaning my head up against the cold window watching the frozen plains pass by. I knew we were in Kansas because it was telephone pole after telephone pole. Small little town after small little town. After a few hours we stopped for a bathroom break and then hit the road again. They discussed the tactics that King Talon was most likely to employ. Echo was adamant that his Father would not fight fair. That there was a reason he chose this location. That we were all fools for agreeing to meet there. He was probably right, but if my look alike faerie self is to be believed he no longer has a special High Queen stopping amulet. I chose to stay smart and absorb everything they discussed knowing that I in no way wanted to kill anyone beyond King Talon.

  “If you kill King Talon sweetling, you will also have to kill my Mother. She would never stop seeking revenge and may live longer than most who have lost their flames.”

  “Should I fear her if she is banished and left with nothing?”

  “I would think that you know to fear any woman scorned.” Tomilson responded in his usual way.

  I didn't care. There was something I liked about the swan like Queen Maria. I didn't want to kill her or anyone other than the King for that matter. I felt an intense desire to protect life, even the lives that have chosen to stand against me. I can't fault them. They don't know me. They only know what they have been told. Finley told me that I am more powerful than I have been in thousands upon thousands of years. When I was reborn I was reborn in my original glory with the scars from the trials I had faced in previous lives. I do not know if I was as forgiving then as I am now, because I don't remember everything. The one thing I do know is that I don't want to control the realm of Elmora. I want to protect it and its people. I have already decided that I will keep a High Council similar to what Elmora has always known. I will get updates and step in only when there is a chance of major conflict. Otherwise, I want to find my home. I want to have babies. I don't even know if I could have babies, but sometime in the next few hundred years I would love for it to happen. After this battle I want to restore peace to Elmora. I would also like to open the gateways to Faerie. We should have ambassadors like Rose and work together with the Fae on keeping the peace between our realms.

  There is so much I want to do for Elmora, but I will need the people behind me. I have to show them who I am and why I am worthy. If I go into battle killing them all it will defeat the purpose. They would follow me out of fear. I am a mixed Queen wanting to bring everyone together in one mission of understanding and peace. I knew it couldn't be as easy as I was dreaming, but it felt right. I did not know what will become of Talon and his advisers with any certainty. I only knew that I was going to end it all.

  I awoke when I felt the car turn onto a gravel road. In my best kid voice I asked, “Are we there yet?”

  Garrik chuckled, “Almost.” The sun was setting. We made good time.

  “We need to get a little closer to realm walk. I worry if we are too far out we will walk right into a King Talon camp. I bought a farmhouse out here years ago as an escape from training when I was in my youth. It is only a short walk from The Fort and gave me a place to go to when I needed to escape my Princely duties.”

  “You mean Princely Dooodies?” I asked trying to tease him. Instead all three Elf-men stared at me like I was insane. I didn't even bother to explain I meant poop. It was too crude of a joke for sophisticated royals and a royal guard. I sighed my disappointment. Garrik pulled the SUV into a driveway that had a small farm house on it. It was a single story home with a nice big front porch. There were lights on and people inside.

  “Who lives in your house?” I asked confused because I assumed it would have been empty like my apartment.

  “After I was no longer stationed at The Fort I assigned part of the elven guard here to live, Cade and his wife Tara. They rent the land to farmers and have a large greenhouse that brings the kingdom a little bit of human income. We have several small sources of income spread out throughout the Human Realm. Unfortunately we do not have time for you to meet them tonight. I called them when we were in Kansas City to let them know we were on the way and that the car will be parked here. If we do not return then Cade will return it to the rental company in a couple of days.”

  With that Garrik, Tomilson, Echo, and I exited the large comfy warm vehicle into the frigid cold. To be fair it was not as cold as where we came from, but the wind still had a bite. I pulled my hat down farther over my head. I hoped we didn't have to walk far. “Less than a mile through that field.” Tomilson sent into my head. Leave it to Tom Tom to always be listening to me. I never have had a desire or reason to hide anything from Tomilson. He is loyal to me no matter what insane thoughts have.

  I followed behind Garrik with Tomilson and Echo taking up the position behind me. The grass was tall and coated in a light frost. There was no obvious trail that we were following only a direction that Garrik seemed to know well. I found my feet moving fast trying to keep up. In my haste I admit I made a lot of noise. Every step crunching the little blades of grass. My tall men, even my ox of Echo were completely silent. It was a good thing that we were in the Human Realm still. Had we been in Elmora I would have awoken all the elvish within three miles. I am more graceful than this as an Elven Queen, but for now my nerves were bringing back my bull in a china cabinet ways.

  I finally stopped and threw my hands up in the air, “You have to slow down. I can't keep up at this pace. I am sorry, I know I am some all powerful kind of being but I am out of breath. It is cold and I have to take two big strides to your one. I am pathetic I know. Can we please please please take it a little slower?” I begged Garrik.

  Garrik turned back towards me. I could read his thoughts he was going to carry me. “No, no, no, no. You are newly healed you can not carry me so far with a battle on the rise. We would get there quicker if we all walked slower.”

  “So be it,” Echo said from behind me as he lifted me into his big strong arms. “I can carry you and move as fast as Prince Garrik while doing it.” I took a deep breath as Echo tossed me onto his back. My legs were stretched wide around his back. He leaned slightly forward and had an arm under each leg as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Piggy back style.

  “I don't understand what the rush is.” They trotted along through the field with their elven grace. I am currently insanely jealous of. I am a High Queen after all, should I have been able to run circles around these men? I felt silly, cold, and spoiled.

  “We all have our physical limits, my Queen. That is why we work better as a team. I think all three of us can can agree that we are happy you needed one of us to carry you. It feels good to be needed.” Tomilson sent. I started giving it thought when Garrik chimed in.

  “He is right. That is what bothered me the night I left dinner. What good was an elven man like me to a woman who had infinite power and possible connections? I need to be of use to you. I need to feel like I am able to protect you. Doubt crept into my head.” Garrik was still two full strides or more ahead of us. His message were as clear as if he stood right next to me.

  “I never had any doubt you wouldn't need me.” Echo had to put in his little bit. I chuckled at his ego. They should have named my giant Ego instead of Echo.

  “Hey, I heard that. Nothing good comes from self-doubt.”

  I squeezed my arms around his neck a little tighter. “I need all of you. I am strong, but I could easily over do it. I don't always think clearly in the moment even though I try. I do not know the ways of my people although I am supposed to be their High Queen. I know it is who I am, but I need all of you to help me and support me. I can not be strong all the time. Sometimes I need to be carried.” I sent my message them and with it I felt
a warmth leave my heart and radiate through me to them. Each one stopped frozen in their steps. The night air silent and still around us.

  “What was that?” Garrik whispered loudly. Noises travel easier in the cold.

  “I-I-I don't know, I wanted you to feel my love. I put it into my thoughts. It just happened. It was natural.” I didn't know how else to explain what I had done. “You felt it then?”

  “It was like you gave my heart a hug, sweetling,” Echo said as he adjusted me upon his back.

  “It felt like I was being held in my Mother's arms as a child. I remember thinking there is no love like my Mothers.” Tomilson was looking up at me in awe.

  “Aye, that is another gift Vera. Not too much farther to go now we shouldn't stand in the wide open. It is better to keep moving.” Prince Garrik bringing us back to task.

  We were approaching a tree line that had an obvious trail open in the thick brush. Garrik pulled back a single limb that was in the way letting us onto the trail. Someone had ridden horses through here . The last time it was muddy as there are still hoof prints in the now frozen ground.

  “Can you realm walk animals from Elmora to the Human Realm and back?” I asked Garrik.

  “Of course it is like bringing any other being with you. This is a small gate you can fit one person through at a time, no realm walking needed here. It is also a bit of a secret so shhhhh.” I chuckled at that. I was lost in my thoughts as we began to descend down a steep hill. Echo stopped and put me down.

  “You should walk here.” I agreed with him. The leafless trees were folded over the trail blocking out the clear sky beyond. It made the trail unnaturally dark. I felt my eyes flash gold allowing me to see a more clearly. There was a small boulder coming up that appeared to have a crack in the side.

  “We can not fit through there.” I stammered as my short legs once again fought to keep pace even moving downhill.

  “You should know better than to judge a book by it's cover, my Queen.” I gave Tomilson an annoyed look although I doubted he could see it in the dark.