Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One Read online

Page 18

  “I have to go! I need answers I need someone to tell me what and who I am for certainty. I need this!” I found myself shouting at all three of them. If they won't take me I will take myself. I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair.

  “Like HELL you will!” Garrik scolded me. I refused to look at him instead looking past to Echo who was trying to blend into the wall. He rolled his eyes when he saw me and stepped forward.

  “I agree with Garrik. He is just across the lake. There is no reason for you to go. The attack in the valley means they know you are here. Someone within the walls is not to be trusted or they figured you out on our way here. I am sending my best scouts for him tomorrow. If he refuses to come then I don't trust him. It's a boat ride across the water. That is all, and right now your life is more at risk than his.”

  Tomilson nodded looking at me from across the table. “He couldn't come to Tindril because he didn't have the protection you did to get him there. I spoke with Rose on the way and she believes if we send someone for him he will cross the lake.”

  “Or he has lived so long because he is a coward. Maybe that is the reason he was too late to save Vera the first time.” We all stopped and stared at Echo, “Come on you know you had to have thought it at some point.”

  “I admit I did.” Garrik said as he took a seat.

  “I honestly haven't thought about it. I mean all I remember is that he saved me. When I remember being captured no one was around me. All of my people had been separated from me, and they had blocked my magic.” I took a deep breath. I hated to admit it but they all had a point. I wanted to rush off and meet the guy who gave me this second chance at life, but at the same time I am not a senseless woman. They had valid concerns and my memories are not complete. I finally nodded and said what I hated to say, “You are right. I promise I will wait here all safe like.”

  “There is one more thing we need to consider.” Echo stepped forward some more until he was standing right next to Sir Tomilson. “Finley might not be the only one who is still alive from that time. I know my Father has adviser’s who are every bit as old. If any one of them were a part of the first attack on your life Vera you know they can do it again. We don't even know what your magics were then, but if they could block them once they could do it again.”

  That was a sobering thought and I didn't like it at all, “Are we sure it is safe here?”

  “You are as safe here as you would be anywhere else if not safer. We have been sending scouts and knights south since October. Also, you can always will yourself back to Tindril if the need arises. I just ask you make sure you take one of us with you.”

  That was a solid plan.

  “If I go missing how would you know if I went to Tindril or if I was kidnapped?”

  “That is a good question. I guess you don't go back to Tindril unless you take one of us with you. If one of us is missing we will assume Tindril. If not then we will go looking for you, but to be safe we won't leave you alone ever. There are three of us. Echo won't be a trainer here, and Tomilson is dedicated to you. I will be running the castle and making battle plans, so I will be the busiest. We will make this work. I am going to have Tomilson show you the escape routes from Castle Bluff. I believe if you are in the inner courtyard and castle you are safest. For now inside these castle walls will continue as usual.” Garrik paused for a breath. I wasn't sure if he would ever stop talking. “Tonight is the annual Winter Solstice Ball. It would have been held whether we were here or not. It is a time for all the elves within the valley to come together for dinner dance and celebration. I will not cancel it when war is at our door because who knows when we will get to have cause to celebrate again.”

  “You are right. I agree. I will go as your wife, Princess of Median. Fair warning though, I do not know how to dance. Only rich humans do balls, and as you know I didn't have a pot to piss in.”

  Echo roared in laughter as Tomilson cringed at my choice of words. “That is not the way for a Princess to talk, Vera.” I snickered. I love when I make Tom Tom cringe.

  “You should get ready. I had a dress made this fall when I thought we would winter here as a family.” Garrik lead me to our door and informed me he will be in shortly to dress as well. I waved bye to my other two Elf-men. It was a bigger bedroom than the one in Tindril. The windows were covered in long teal curtains. The bedding was teal and black. The bed was a dark walnut which matched the two wardrobes and a vanity set up for me. Next to a fireplace made out of the same stone as the walls and floors was a floor to ceiling mirror. The center of the room had a giant elf lantern for light. I really needed to ask someone how they worked when all of this King Talon and lost queen business blows over.

  My wardrobe was open and had a white dress with gold trim hung on the door. I pulled it off and looked to see if I needed a slip. I didn't see one in there. I also didn't see a zipper on the back, so I took the dress off the hanger and slipped it over my head. It was white velvet material with a silk lining on the inside. The sleeves were long and tapered. The dress bared my shoulders completely. Thin gold lined the neck, the end of the sleeves and the bottom of the dress. The white would have washed out my old pale skin, however it looked bright and beautiful with my new color. There was a green belt that hung on the hanger as well. I fitted it on my waist. It is made to knot where the extra flowed down the length of the dress. I only knew how to wear it because I had seen one on Queen Lyra in the past.

  Walking over to the vanity I saw the spice oil for my hair, which I worked through the drying locks. There was a black box I opened and saw the same diadem that I had worn weeks ago after bonding with Garrik. It wasn't long ago, yet it felt like years. I twisted the front strands as Taryn had that night and pulled the back from my face making my ears visible. I then set the diadem on my head. I was beautiful. Less than a year ago I thought I looked average at best, but now I looked and felt powerful. I have changed so much. In the beginning I was uncomfortable with my eye change, then my color change. Now I felt as this is how I was always meant to look.

  I turned my attention to the drawer on the vanity, opening it I saw old fashioned human makeup. I noted the the eye liner brush and mascara that was sitting there. My eyes were going to be mesmerizing! I applied generous amounts adding the popular cat eye effect so many women use. I lengthened my lashes with the mascara. I found some bronzer which I applied to my cheek bones. I had three choices for lip stick. I went with a neutral color slightly tinted pink. I felt amazing. I looked amazing. I was smacking my lips when the door opened and Garrik walked in. He took one look at me and was a loss for words. He ran over and pulled me into his arms for a kiss.

  “Garrik, don't mess up my makeup.”

  “I would have never said you needed makeup because you don't. What it did was take your already perfect features and emphasized them. There is not a man or woman who won't want you tonight. You are beautiful my little Vera the Elven Queen.”

  “We don't know for sure if I am to be a Queen yet.” I said wiggling out of his arms.

  “I have no doubt of it, Vera.” He moved in to grab me once again. “Mayhap I should go wait in the main room. You can't seem to remember you have to get dressed as well. I tousled his hair which had grown since that first night in the gym.

  “I won't leave my lady waiting long.” He replied.

  “I sure hope not because I am starving.”

  I went back to the main room with the big round table. Sarah, one of the loyal scouts dedicated to me stood by the door. “Hi, Sarah, right?” She smiled back at me with pride that I remembered her name.

  “Yes, my Princess. I am set to guard the inside of the door if the room is empty. Killian is guarding the outside at this moment.”

  “Will you be coming to the ball tonight?” I wondered if the door will be guarded full time or only if I were inside.

  “No, my Princess, Killian and I volunteered for tonight's watch. I can not dance well as I move too fast.” Ah that is right. Her gift
is speed.

  “I will tell you a secret. I can't dance either.” She is my age or older, but she seems so much the child to me. I like this Sarah and may even request her to be my personal guard. I no longer have Taryn in Castle Bluff, and Rose will be on Councilwoman duties while here. Much like in Tindril.

  “I appreciate you and what you are doing for us, Sarah. I just want you and the other scouts to know that. I am a bit introverted so I may not talk much but I am very thankful for your presence.” She gave me a deep bow, “It is my honor, Princess.”

  At that moment Tomilson entered the room. I have been increasingly drawn to this man and tonight is no different. He wore a tunic of deep purple and black pants with tall black riding boots. His sword was in place at his waist, his eyes violet, and his dark hair was slicked back. The colors complimented his pale skin. I didn't have much time to admire him because an even bigger man stepped out behind him.

  Echo. He was wearing a neutral tan tunic over black pants and black boots. His tunic was open more at the top hinting at the dark bulging muscles that lay underneath. His hair was also slicked back. It made his face seem broader and stronger than normal. His gold eyes flashing when he saw me checking him out from across the room. Tomilson gave a slight frown and Echo smiled a white toothy grin pleased that he annoyed Tom once again. I could tell how they both were staring at me that they felt the same as I did about them. We were a very attractive group.

  “Sarah, we are good now if you would join Killian outside again," Tomilson excused her. Sarah gave a deep bow stepping back outside just as Garrik entered. He matched me right down to the green belt that circled around his sword. He was wearing soft light tan pants and matching colored boots. His tunic was white lined in gold along the cuffs and the collar. His sandy blond hair was slicked back as well to accommodate the now longer length. His teal eyes sparkled. His skin had more color than Tomilson's appearing sun kissed. It complemented the white tunic quite well. He walked forward grabbed my arm.

  “Shall we Princess?”

  “Yes, we shall.” I thought we would be exiting the front doors, but instead we exited through a secret passageway.

  “This is how royalty sneaks into the ballroom. Everyone will have already ate the main course of dinner.” I groaned.

  “But I am soooo hungry, Prince Garrik!” Echo laughed behind me again. Tomilson rolled his eyes and muttered something about whining. Not sure what crawled into his pants and bit him.

  “Don't worry little Vera, they will be serving the best snacks and being in the thrones we will get first pick.” That made me feel much better.

  The sound of music drifted through the hall, we must be getting close. We turned a corner, “Are you ready?” Garrik asked. I nodded, I was ready as long as I had the promise of sustenance. He opened the door which took us into a sitting room from behind a tapestry. I ran in and immediately helped myself to some of the finger sandwiches that were on the table.

  “Can't leave her unattended for a minute.” Echo's baritone rumbled. He was amused.

  “Let me eat two or three to settle my stomach then we can enter okay?” We had scouts guarding both entrances to the sitting room. I was safe here eating some food. I poured me a small glass of elf wine to wash down the sandwiches.

  “Okay, I am good. Now I won't be such a pig at the ball.” Garrik chuckled as I took his arm again. I took a deep breath as we stepped through the door.

  We came out upon a balcony. Oh no I was going to have to walk down stairs. Kill me now. I will fall flat on my face. Thank the Gods I am in slippers and not heels. Garrik led me up to the edge that allowed us to look out over the crowd. Elf lanterns were draped across the ceiling with green, gold, and white ribbon. People were dancing a graceful dance on the floor. The music stopped abruptly as a tall elf stepped forward to announce our presence.

  “Prince Garrik and Princess Vera of Median!” The entire room erupted in cheers. Garrik led me down the stairs one at a time. “Thank you. You know me so well. ” I know I think it a lot, but when it comes to men I have won the lottery.

  Our two thrones were not sitting at dance level. Instead they were positioned at the bottom of the first flight of stairs in the middle. We were not accessible to any of the people dancing. We stood and waved in front of our thrones and then took our seats. There were scouts standing at each corner around us. Two at the bottom of the stairs and two at the stairs behind our throne. Once seated the music resumed and everyone began dancing again. Tomilson and Echo appeared at my side.

  “They will go and mingle with the people, we are to stay here until we take the floor in a dance. After that some may be granted access to speak with us. We can turn any away or accept all.” Garrik sent me.

  “I told you I CAN NOT DANCE.” I sent back.

  “It will be like fighting. Trust me it is in the soul of who you are,” I rolled my eyes. I guess we will see. Two more songs played before there was a pause in music. Garrik stood offering me his hand. The butterflies were going to explode out of my stomach at any minute. I held my head high even though my hand trembled.

  “You can do this close your eyes and let the music lead you. Like when you run or fight.”

  Taking a deep breath we walked down the last of the stairs. Everyone moved out circling around us. My chin was up staring at Garrik's teal eyes, he had one hand on my waist and the other held my hand when the music began. I closed my eyes and felt my body moving along without any fight. I matched each step Garrik made. Finally, half way through the song I opened my eyes. Garrik was grinning down at me with pride. I was moving like a swan. It felt glorious. I let my eyes look past Garrik into the crowd as we moved around and around dancing alone.

  There as the music played, blue eyes. I almost stumbled. I could feel my face frown, Garrik danced me around again and I saw him long white hair and blue eyes. Finley. I shook my head and brought my eyes back to Garrik. The song was winding down. When we stopped he pulled me in for a kiss and the crowd went wild. We waved and then made our what back up to the steps.

  “You did great, but what happened at the end?” Garrik asked squeezing my hand once we took our seats.

  “I thought I saw Finley,” I looked out past the dancers along the sides of the ball room searching for the man I saw.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  “Have you ever met the High Councilman?” Garrik shook his head no. I guess he was a bit of a recluse.

  “Isn't he like the most powerful elf in the world?” Something was not right about the man I saw. I no longer felt like he was my savior. In fact I was sick to my stomach.

  “He was until his Elven Council split.”

  “I have your Finley,” Echo sent me. I looked in the direction I felt the message come. Gold eyes flashed up against the wall at me and sure enough there was a man who looked much older than the average elf. Like he was in his fifties. Tall with long white hair. I didn't remember his hair being so long or so white. I nodded to Echo letting him know that was Finley. I watched Echo approach the man who seemed surprised by his presence. He then looked up at me from across the room. I remember those eyes I remember this man saving me. I remember Rose's words that Finley was on my side and it divided the council. Something was continuing to make me sick to my stomach.

  “Can I leave to the sitting room?” Garrik shook his head no. Not yet. Okay, well here comes Finley. He is composed, calculated, but nervous. The soul of his that is in me is shaking.

  “Princess Vera, I would like to introduce to you High Councilman Fin.” Echo said as he led the older elf up the stairs. I suddenly felt every bit of a queen. My body came alive. I am, was, not just a queen, I am the Queen. Regardless of titles that I have been given at this moment.

  “Well met, Finley.” I said as he bowed before me. Even though he was composed I could feel his inner self cringe at my use of words. He knows I know. He wanted to meet me. He told Rose as much. He helped me through Rose, but why why did he help me? I know he was my Tomilson, but
he was also something else and I didn't like it.

  “Princess,” He bowed. “I see some of your memory has began to return.”

  I smiled at him, “Now High Councilman you know I am more than a Princess and it is time we announce who I am.” His face went white, Garrik's face went white. Echo laughed. Tomilson was still lost in the crowd, but I could feel his eyes on me.

  “Do you feel it is wise during this time of war? Shouldn't we keep it quiet until everything is over?” Garrik asked. He doesn't like my sudden confidence. It derails plans.

  “No. Let these people know who they are fighting for. Then send out birds to every kingdom. Call them all to me. I do not have all of my memories, but what I do know is that I was not taken down by sheer force. It was cunning. Had the battle been fair I would have never had to have my soul saved by Finley.” I was not speaking quiet, but we were far enough back from the crowd that no one noticed my words. I added, “After your announcement Finley, you will follow me to the sitting room where you will give me names of the men who betrayed me. I want to know the name of the man who held the whip, and the man who held my hair, and the man who cut off my ears.” I felt my eyes flashing gold. Finley nodded. He was on my side after all.

  Garrik spoke up, “I vote that we wait.” I shook my head.

  “No, something tells me we can save lives by getting this out now. Elven lives are valuable. We are not as plenty as humans.” I contemplated it again for a split second. “We will make the announcement now.” I felt the magic lace my words. Garrik frowned at me but then nodded.

  “Tomilson, please join us for this announcement.” I sent.

  Moments later Tomilson , Echo, and Garrik were by my side. Finley was in front of us all. Garrik lifted his hand, the music stopped almost immediately. The elves all gathered below where we stood anxious to hear what their Prince had to say.

  “We are here today to celebrate the Winter Solstice, but we are also all here on the brink of war.” A murmuring of voices shot through the crowd. Garrik continued, “The Elven Council has split, taking sides. Not all of you can understand the reason for war. We know King Talon used the excuse of his heir pledging to your Princess as his reason. We also all know that King Talon has become increasingly powerful over these last few centuries. The Elven Council has not been able to keep the kingdoms where they belong. They could not stop King Talon, because they were not the body meant to keep peace among kingdoms. That is a job for the lost Queen. I am going to let High Councilman Fin tell his story.” Garrik had garnered the attention of everyone within the castle. Even the cooks and waitstaff had worked their way into the crowd.