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Blood for Atlantis Page 18

  I turn back to the cabin, but stop suddenly. The feeling I am being watched makes me startle. I look around me and then up at the sky. This can’t be good. It seems like someone or something even stronger has taken notice of our plight. Not knowing what else I could do, I wave to the sky and give it a thumbs up. I just won a battle, and we are all still alive. A good start to any day.

  I enter to find three of the guys standing near the bar. They turn to me, and I witness Aden squeezing some of his blood into an already full glass. I shake my head because I worry they are too weak to give to me right now.

  “It’s okay, we split it between the three of us, so it wouldn’t be too much. We feel fine,” Morgan reassures me.

  They are right, I do need it. I don’t have the energy to argue, and this may be the only blood I get until we make it to Atlantis. Taking the glass, I gulp the warm refreshing liquid down. Breck hands me a glass of water to wash it down with.

  “Thank you,” I say, wiping my mouth.

  “No, thank you, you got us through that mess,” Breck replies.

  “You guys kept the boat afloat,” I smile.

  “Yacht,” Aden corrects, and Morgan pushes him in the shoulder.

  “Get some rest, Meri. We are going to take shifts today and continue towards Atlantis.”

  I take a deep breath, “Okay, I guess that is all I can do as long as everything stays calm. Did you put Laki in his bed?”

  “Yeah,” Breck says.

  I nod and head back to my room alone. On the way down the hall, I peek in the room to see Laki. There are two twin beds just a foot from each other. To be honest, I expected bunk beds, so this arrangement was better than expected. The rooms are sparse since there isn’t much room. I walk in and sit on the opposite bed from him. His face is pale compared to his natural tan, but he will heal. I run my fingers through his hair and bend over to pepper kisses on his forehead. He doesn’t stir.

  I leave the room and head to my own, going directly to the bathroom. I turn on a hot shower, stripping my weapons and scaled armor and stepping in, barely awake. Even with the gift of the blood my guys gave me, I am still exhausted. I grew to the size of a goddess to battle the squids. I try to wrap my head around what that means. There hasn’t been a full strength god or goddess to be birthed in centuries. Demi gods, yes, and minor gods, yes, but full power, no. The realization is almost crippling. I turn off the water and wrap myself in a towel. I don’t even bother drying my hair. Crawling into my bed, I pull my blankets over me and allow myself to drift to sleep. It claims me far quicker than I expected.


  I jump from my bed, startled by a feeling I can’t even explain. The sense of being watched again is overwhelming. I have no concept of how long I slept, although I am certain it hasn’t been long at all. I grab my robe from the hook on the door, wrapping it around me tightly. I pick up one sword for protection because I am on edge, waiting for anything to happen.

  My door opens, and I swipe my sword, narrowly missing Laki, who is awake and looking good.

  “What the hell, Meri?”

  “Do you feel it?” I ask, ignoring the fact he is just hours healed after almost dying.

  “Feel you almost slicing my arm off? Yeah, my nerves feel it. Thank god, I have lightening like reflexes.”

  “Which god?” I am still in my fighting stance.

  “No god,” he responds, becoming uncomfortable by my actions.

  “Don’t say that,” I order.

  “Say what?”

  “‘Thank, god’, please don’t say it. There are too many gods,” I reply.

  “Do you have plans to do something about that?” he asks, questioning me.

  “No. Now shhh, I am trying to find it,” I tiptoe around him and look down the hallway before backing up into my room again.

  “Find what?”

  “Whatever is watching me,” I turn to check in my bathroom.

  “Gods,” he states.

  “I asked you to stop saying that,” I answer distracted.

  “No, I mean it is the gods,” he explains.

  “Which ones?” I ask while I peek under my bed.

  “I’m not psychic, Meri,” he deadpans. “I am going to go tell the others about this, while you search for invisible eyes.”

  I nod, even though I barely hear what he is saying. When he leaves the room, I begin talking to whoever it is, “What do you want?”

  Of course, nothing answers me. I roll my eyes briefly, contemplating if I am going crazy. The sword loosens in my grip, and I sit down on the edge of the bed, defeated.

  “I know you’re not Poseidon,” I state with confidence.

  “Probably can rule out Aphrodite, too. She got what she wanted from me. Ares couldn’t even find me when he wanted to, so I know you aren’t him. Who are you, and what do you want?”

  Maybe it is more than one. Who has the power to watch my movements? I know Amphitrite and Poseidon can find me because I am on their domain, but I doubt they could see me unless I am in the water. Aphrodite has gone silent since I became the Key of Atlantis as she wanted. Zeus can most likely view anything under the sky. Zeus is officially a suspect, but what does he care about a sea goddess? Who else can watch anyone at any time.

  “The Fates,” comes the answer from the door.

  I startle, as I had let my guard down, but calm the moment I realize it is Aden.

  “Laki told me you were going crazy, and I think it may be the Fates. They can see you.”

  “That makes sense, but could it also be Zeus?”

  He shrugs, “I suppose. It is hard to tell.”

  “I don’t like it. It is unnerving. I wish Atlantis had a phone. I’d call up Poseidon and tell him I don’t care about Ares, or even Aphrodite anymore. All I want is my men to be my gatekeepers. I wouldn’t even have to reside in Atlantis. I feel like everything has been blown out of proportion due to ego.”

  “Remember Triton could enter Atlantis from anywhere?” he asks, adjusting his glasses while doing so.

  “Yeah . . .”

  “Well, I think you should be able to do the same.”

  I scoff, “Uh, no I am not that powerful or important.”

  “Did you already forget how you grew into a giant and called sharks forth to defeat hundreds of giant squids?”

  To be honest, it did slip my mind. I fell asleep, and it all seemed to wash away.

  “I don’t remember ever hearing of a Demigod or a lower goddess able to do something like that. You are the first of your kind born in centuries. Maybe it is time you try acting like it,” he says, giving me a bit of tough love.

  “I don’t know how to do it,” I reply.

  “It’s okay, we are getting off of the sea today. After the events this morning, Morgan made the decision we should fly. Charles is going to meet us in the Cayman Islands. He arranged plane tickets to Greece.”

  I absorb the information he gives me and come to the conclusion that it is the best course of action. At least it will temporarily get us off Poseidon’s radar since he is stubborn and can’t realize how none of this should be a big deal.

  “Yeah, that sounds like a solid plan. When will we arrive in the Cayman Islands?”

  “Late afternoon or tonight. Don’t worry, it has been smooth sailing since we turned towards the islands.”

  I lean into him, sighing deeply and closing my eyes, “I just want all of this to be over.”

  He rubs my shoulders, “We all do, but it is worth it if the end game is getting to spend eternity with you.”

  His hands move down my arms in a sensual motion, sending tingles through the silk fabric of my robe. I sigh and roll my head backwards, urging the tension to leave my tired muscles. I may, technically, be a goddess, but even I tire. My circumstances haven’t been ideal.

  I inhale deeply then slowly release all of my troubles. I am certain I read that in a book while living on land. Aden’s sneaky fingers undo the piece of fabric holding the robe together. The sil
k of the robe glides across my skin as it opens, revealing me to Aden’s intense gaze. I drink him in with my eyes. Even if he were not touching me, I’d still be turned on by the passion of his gaze.

  His hands are roughened from hours of training with weapons and working in the gym. The calluses scrape ever so slightly as he runs them along my curves. Aden reaches around me, picking up a pillow and placing it behind me for me to lie back on. I don’t hesitate to do as he wishes, my own fingers running along the strong defined muscles of his arms.

  He looks me over, and my eyes follow his. When they linger on my breasts, I realize they have grown into womanly globes which I didn’t previously possess. They are full and milky white with light-peach nipples. When he hesitates, I arch my back, pushing my breasts up towards him.

  Aden takes hold in the most gentle way by running his finger around the curved edges, while his tongue makes a steady circle around my nipple. A moan escapes my lips, and I want more. He heeds my call, nipping at them lightly, giving me the delightful mix of pain and pleasure. He doesn’t discriminate, either. While giving attention to one breast, his hand carefully works the other.

  Soon, his body shifts, and he is now on his knees next to the bed, in between my legs. Aden’s hand runs along my sides, worshiping the womanly curves I once didn’t possess. When his hands make it to my knees, he spreads my legs and stares at me. The vulnerability of me exposing myself to him in such a stark manner is exhilarating.

  “Oh, Meri,” Aden says breathlessly, seconds before he begins to suck on my most private area.

  I moan and try to back up on the bed due to the intensity of his magical tongue, but his strong hands hold my hips in place. My arms stretch above my head, grasping for the covers as the world spins, and he sends me to new heights only to crash back down with an earth-shattering release that I’m sure everyone within a mile could hear.

  I gasp for air while all my muscles relax under Aden’s perfect touch. My legs tremble when he runs a lazy finger in a circle on the inside of my thighs. He then stands, and I take in his tall magnificent figure through half-closed eyes–perfection right down to the glasses upon his face. Aden gives me a slow smile as he drops his shorts, freeing himself from all restraints.

  He picks up my legs, one hand in each. I bend my knees into a more natural position, cradling him within them. Aden’s long arm reaches down, and he drags his fingertips from my breasts down to my center. He rolls his thumb in a circle, enticing new tremors to roll through me in waves. My gaze never leaves his face. How badly he wants me is the sexiest thing in the world at this moment.

  “Please,” I beg with one word, and that is all he needs. Aden pierces my soul with one thrust. He holds a leg in each hand, keeping my body in place while plunging into me again and again. We are now climbing the clouds together, but I need a little bit more.

  I lift my hips from the bed and swirl against him, squeezing my insides and holding him to me in the perfect spot. I ride him from the bed. He groans as what I am doing rocks through him. I clench tighter, and Aden chooses that moment to pull himself out just a little before ramming himself back in. The motion is what I needed to send me over the edge of the cliff. I fall harder than the first time and scream out in pleasure. Aden responds to my body clenching around him and trembles as the waves of our joining crash through me. He thrusts a few more times before spilling himself within me. My eyes stay open to watch every expression on his face while he finds his release. It is a perfect sight.

  Aden rolls onto his side next to me. He rests his head on his elbow, while his free hand traces circles around my stomach. I want to express how perfect the moment is, but I fear words would ruin it. Each one of my men are so different. So far, each one is true pleasure in their own way. Like a buffet of perfection, and they are all mine. I smile to myself, enjoying this small slice of peace before the shit hits the fan again. I snort out loud.

  “What?” Aden asks alarmed.

  “I just said ‘the shit hits the fan’ in my head, and I have never heard that term before. Well, at least I don’t remember it. Adequate description for what is going on in the god world right now, though.”

  Aden laughs, “Yes, it is.”

  “I’m going to shower. Care to join me?”

  “You know I would never turn down an offer like that.”

  “I hope not.” I give Aden a playful wink and wiggle my hips as I head towards the shower, my hips swaying naturally with each step, reminding me of my mother, Aphrodite. I sigh, trying to shake off the instant unease that settles upon my shoulders. A shower with Aden is exactly what I need to keep my attention off of my problems and the vexing feeling of being watched. If someone is watching me, they are getting a full show.


  Aden and I leave my room on cloud nine. For the moment, it is like everything will be okay. Laki and Breck are lounging outside, and I know Morgan will be out there keeping watch as he steers the boat towards the Cayman Islands.

  “Hey, Meri,” Laki says, acknowledging my entrance.

  “How are you feeling?” I ask.

  “Would have been feeling better if I stayed in the room with you, instead of getting Aden.” Although Laki sounds like he’s joking, I think there is a hint of truth behind it, making me experience a small bout of guilt.

  “You had your time,” I wink.

  He smiles and then surprises me with something else, “Thank you for saving my life for a second time.”

  I really don’t know how to respond, “I didn’t do anything you wouldn’t have done for me.”

  He nods, feeding an awkward silence between the two of us. After a moment, I say, “I think I am going to step outside for some fresh air.”

  “Do you want us to join you?” Laki asks.

  “No, I think I need a bit of time alone,” I smile.

  “You won’t start going crazy that someone is watching you, will you?” he teases.

  “I’m sure I will.” I give them all a wink before opening the door. I can sense their eyes on my backside, and it is nice knowing they will always have my back. The sun is hot, but the breeze moving across the sea is pleasant. I walk to the edge of the yacht, looking over the rail. There are circle marks left by the suction cups of one of the giant squids. In that moment, I can tell I am being watched again. I take a deep breath in annoyance and turn around, not expecting to see anyone standing there, but I’m wrong.

  I look upon my mother, Aphrodite, dressed in a gown of pink. Her curves are enticing and eyes sparkling as usual. My face is drawn flat. I am no longer surprised by anything, and not an ounce of me is happy to see her, either.

  “So, you’re the one watching me?” I ask.

  “I am just one of many. I can’t watch you without help, you know,” she replies.

  “No, I don’t know. I don’t know anything because I was raised not knowing who I am.”

  “I did that for your own good,” she argues.

  “You did it for your own agenda. You even went as far as killing the Key of Atlantis, so I could take her position.”

  Aphrodite holds her hand in the air to stop me from speaking, “To be fair, I thought it was the best position for you at the time. It has been forever since a full power goddess was born. I didn’t expect you to blossom into such.”

  I roll my eyes and cross my arms like a sassy teenager who knows no wrong.

  She takes my silence as opportunity to continue, “Something you don’t realize is all of our power comes from the same source. For you to be born as powerful as you are, it means another full powered god or goddess will soon die.”

  “So, you are saying my very presence threatens the existence of other gods?”

  “Yes, and no. Right now, we are all still fully intact, but the source of our power won’t be able to sustain us as long as you are alive.”

  “So, you have come to kill me?”

  “Oh goddess, No! You are my favorite child!”

  “That is what you say, but I ha
ven’t even met any of my other siblings,” I argue.

  “Trust me you don’t want to, they are mostly petty and jealous. You got more of my time than any of them did.”

  I release a big sigh. She has even managed to inadvertently make my siblings hate me, but, either way, she is the only one speaking to me who may have answers.

  “Who wants me dead?” I ask.

  “Most of them. I don’t, Amphitrite doesn’t. She is vain and proud you are from her line. Poseidon does, and Ares doesn’t. Zeus is watching you with bored curiosity. He really doesn’t care who lives or dies anymore, but he wants to be the first to know when it happens. I think it is best if you forget Atlantis,” she finally gets to her point.

  “I won’t. I need Atlantis, so my four men can be my gatekeepers and join me in immortality.”

  “There are thousands of men in the sea, you can have your pick of any of them,” Aphrodite counters.

  “True, but I want the four on this boat with me.”

  “Poseidon has gone mad. He is blaming you and Ares for all of his problems. He has been convinced ever since you gave Lilly your blood that you are attempting to build an army against him. Lilly has been locked up in Atlantis since you were sent away.”

  “I gave her blood because I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. Because you never told me what I am. All I wanted to do was save her life. I had no clue that in doing so, I made her loyal to me for life.”

  “So, what is your plan?” she asks, placing her hands on her hips.

  “Go to Atlantis, talk to Poseidon, and convince him to allow my men to enter the Ring to fight for their position. I am fine leaving Atlantis alone after that. My protection will always be there when needed, but I am also fine traveling the seas, working to set the harm being done to the ocean right.”