Blood for Atlantis Read online

Page 15

  “That’s my daughter! Taking in the full picture as a goddess of War should. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” Ares beams with pride. His golden eyes spark.

  “I don’t know what I am the goddess of yet. I am a sea creature, a monster of sorts. I love fiercely, but I’m conflicted because I don’t hate my mother, even in her deceiving me not once but twice. As Key of Atlantis, to punish her, I will ban her for the unseeable future.”

  “Poseidon already did that,” Triton says in a bored tone.

  “Well, I am going to see that it is upheld. Aphrodite is Amphitrite’s favorite. If she has anything to do with it, Aphrodite will get to return.”

  “So, what, you’re going to be Poseidon’s champion now?” Ares asks.

  I roll my eyes into the back of my head like a child, “I am no one’s champion.”

  “Not true, you are the Key to Atlantis, therefore you belong to Atlantis,” Triton argues.

  “Atlantis belongs to me!” I hiss back, my fangs extending.

  “Ah, she is a bit starved for war after all,” Ares says, trying to provoke me even farther.

  Before I realize what I am doing, I pull a throwing knife from my belt and send it flying in Ares’s direction. It doesn’t even faze him. He reaches out a hand, catching the perfectly thrown knife between two fingers, just before the knife would have pierced his heart.

  “Bravo, daughter, but if you want to kill me, you will have to do better than that.”

  “I have no intention of killing you. Drawing a drop of blood would have been enough. I’m tired of being a pawn in your game against Aphrodite and Poseidon.”

  “You have only your mother to thank for that,” he drawls.

  “So, what is the plan?” Triton interrupts, leaning over the table between us all, strong arms tense. He may seem the joking type, but it is obvious he is a god, and is tired of seeing his home suffer.

  “Although I don’t trust any of you, I will stand beside Triton and help restore the oceans and protect sea life. Before I do any of that, I need to go and make my men immortal.”

  “Are you going to murder the gatekeepers?” Ares asks.

  I scoff at him, “No, my men will beat them in the Ring.”

  “Poseidon may try to wipe your memory again,” Morgan speaks up next to me.

  “Poseidon wiped your memory?” Ares asks calmly.

  Triton straightens, crossing his large arms across his wide chest.

  “Yes, then he banished her to land for the rest of her life. He said as long as the Key of Atlantis can’t be found, Atlantis will be safe.” I eye Morgan, not really thinking this is good info to be giving the god of War.

  Ares nods and runs a large hand over his black beard thinking, but doesn’t say anything. Instead, it is Triton who speaks.

  “Poseidon can’t take her memories again, it is written in the cosmic agreement he made with Zeus. Hades as well. He did it once, she returned, and if he were to do it again it would make the other gods angry,” Triton explains in a droll tone, trying to play down the significance.

  “He banished a goddess of the Sea to land, and no one told me?” Ares asks. His anger is palatable. I can taste war in the air, and it is feeding the monster within me.

  “Calm down Ares, you’re working up Meri.”

  I shake it off, “No, I’m fine. I am willing to let it go, if it means my men can join me as my gatekeepers.”

  “Hmmm, that doesn’t sound like a daughter of mine,” Ares openly observes.

  “I didn’t even know you were my father until I became the Key. I am not you or my mother, and I would like everyone to remember that.”

  “It is true, in the heat of battle, she saved the life of a potential when both you and Aphrodite would have let her die,” Triton explains.

  I give my uncle a smile of thanks, “Well, I guess we train and then go to Atlantis.”

  “Good, I can’t wait to see the look on Poseidon’s face when I arrive with you,” Ares says, standing strong.

  “You are not going with us. I have an oath to protect Atlantis, not bring war to its doorstep,” I counter.

  Ares settles his face into what could only be seen as a pout in my eyes. Although, he looks more fierce and angry.

  “If that is all, I’d like to be shown to my room. I’m tired, and tomorrow we start training.”

  Triton and Ares both nod without saying anything to me. Ares’s eyes follow me and my men out of the room. I have no fear of Ares, but I’m still aware he is as untrustworthy as the rest of the gods. I can’t wait for the time that I can spend my life making a difference for the greater whole and not just being a pawn in the chess game of the gods.


  A servant leads me to my rooms. We were given an entire hallway to accommodate my men and me. I asked if the servant could bring a meal, for me and my men, to my room before entering.

  The room isn’t nearly as lavish as the yacht or the one in Atlantis. I imagine fancy furnishings would be hard to get to Bathos being so deep in the sea. My men spread themselves out within the small room. Aden is sitting next to me on the bed, Morgan is in the only wooden chair in the room, Breck and Laki are on the floor.

  I break the silence, “So, what do you guys think I should do?”

  They all look to each other before Aden speaks up first, “I vote for returning to Atlantis.”

  “I second that. There isn’t a logical reason as to why I am drawn to stay with you and this group. I only know that without you, we were lost and weakened,” Laki says, and Breck agrees.

  “It has to be the Fates. They want something from all of us. Our cords are woven together. Atlantis is the only place we can go, if we want to stay together for the long haul.”

  I don’t understand it either, but they are right,“Do we stay and train?”

  “We have trained every day since we lost you. We are as ready today as we were twelve years ago,” Breck states his sincere belief.

  “I’m not as confident. I aged on land, working for Triton while simultaneously searching for you,” Morgan says without looking up from his feet. He is wringing his hands together, and I realize how much weight is on his shoulders.

  “We should try to give them the slip tonight. Get a head start towards Atlantis.” I am certain it is the best idea. I am having a hard time trusting any of the gods in my life.

  “Wouldn’t matter,” Laki says hopelessly.

  “What do you mean?” I question him, confused.

  “Triton is free to come and go from Atlantis at his will. He is a child of Amphitrite and Poseidon. He can open a portal to Atlantis from anywhere,” Aden dutifully explains.

  “Damn, that sucks.”

  Laki laughs, and we all turn to stare at him.

  “What? You have to admit it is weird hearing Meri use landborn words.”

  Aden chuckles, “True, I haven’t even noticed it, but now that you mention it, it is different.”

  “I barely remember any of my time on land,” I argue.

  “Well, some of it is pretty ingrained. I like this newer version of Meri,” Laki winks at me.

  “Was the old Meri that bad?”

  “You can be a bit stiff, I think you are still finding yourself. The good news is you’re beautiful, so personality isn’t that important.” Laki laughs again.

  I throw one of the bed pillows at him, “Goading a goddess of whatever is not a good idea, Laki,” I warn him.

  He laughs again, “Or what?”

  “I will tie you up.”

  “Don’t threaten me with a good time, Meri.”

  Okay, that did it. I am finally laughing my head off with all of my men. It feels good. The happiness bubbles through me, and then before I know it I am crying.

  “What’s wrong?” Aden pulls me into him.

  “I don’t ever remember being this happy. I was always so goal obsessed. I kept my body busy, so I never had to think about more important things. I needed this.”

  As if
on cue, someone knocks on the door. Breck opens the door as our trays of food are delivered. Morgan stands and passes out the plates of food.

  “Want to make the swim back to the yacht tonight?” I ask.

  “There is no reason to sneak away in the night. We should just wait and leave first thing in the morning. They will know where we are going,” Morgan replies.

  “And there is no way I am going to be able to go to sleep right now. I am in a new place, and there is too much on my mind.” I sigh, knowing the rest would be a good thing.

  “Want to go for a drink with me at the Tavern?” Laki asks.

  “Do you really think taking her back to the Tavern is a good idea, Laki?”Aden ask with a disapproving glare.

  “She has been sheltered her entire life. We are in a safe-ish place. There will be live music, and she can relax. Plus, you know the old man will warn Cara to back off,” Laki argues on my behalf.

  “Isn’t there another Tavern?” I like the idea of getting out of this stuffy room.

  “No, this isn’t Atlantis,” Morgan grumbles.

  “I’m sorry. I just know I won’t be able to sleep well here. Even after the long swim. I just met Ares, for crying out loud!”

  “Ha! See another landborn phrase,” Laki points out.

  I roll my eyes, and the other three guys groan before Morgan replies, “Okay, go with Laki.”

  I flinch because Morgan almost sounds a little angry. “Don’t worry, I will go with them.” Aden puts his hand on Morgan’s shoulder, reassuring him that he will keep track of us.

  “Breck, do you want to go?” I ask.

  “No, thanks. I will keep this old man company,” Breck motions towards Morgan.

  “I’m not old,” Morgan grumbles.

  “I know you aren’t. Thank you for being okay with me taking some time to explore. Also, thank you for sacrificing your youth to find me and to work on land.” I smile at Morgan.

  “I am not old . . .,” Morgan repeats.

  Unable to resist, I approach Morgan as he sits in his chair. I place one leg between his legs. My hands run through his dark hair, and I pull his head back gently, so he is looking at me. His hands find my hips and ass. He tugs me in closer, and I give him a long drawn-out slow generous kiss. When we part, his eyes are dark with passion. “Seriously, thank you.”

  I back towards the door smiling at Morgan the entire time. Morgan seems content, and that is what I need before I leave with Laki and Aden.


  Laki, Aden, and I step into the hallway, “So, the Tavern?”

  “There isn’t a ton of places to go here,” Aden replies.

  “Anywhere is better than that stuffy room,” I shrug.

  “To the Tavern!” Laki declares, taking my hand and pulling me along.

  I can’t help but laugh. No part of me wants to think of Ares tonight. I think I made it clear I am not joining him or working with him. My focus is on my men, the ocean, and Atlantis. When we exit into the darkness, my eyes adjust immediately.

  “We should take her to the training center, instead. Everyone knows who she is at the Tavern, and we don’t want her to unleash on Cara,” Aden suggests.

  Laki looks sad as if he was hoping for an entertainment. I process Aden’s words and decide he is right. Training always sets my mind right, “Yeah, take me to the training center.”

  The walk is uneventful and dark. We don’t pass anyone on our way. The door to the training center is built into the gorge like everything else. Nothing sets it apart from any other door below the sea. It isn’t large or extravagant. It is a basic wooden door that isn’t even locked. Laki opens it, stepping in and turning on the light before Aden and I enter.

  The gym looks identical to one you would find on land. Atlantis has nothing like it. There is a long row of training equipment. The center is a mat with a circle in the middle for sparring. A sign on the far wall is marked for women and men.

  “There will be clothing you can change into in the locker room.” Aden motions toward the door with the female symbol on it.

  Every day outside of Atlantis, I am experiencing a whole new world. I know I lived twelve years on land, but I haven’t retained much. The locker room echoes from the cold stone floors and metal lockers. Along the wall, I notice the training clothing that Aden mentioned. I sort through the hangers and find a pair of black shorts with a matching black sports bra. I slip it on and coil my braid on top of my head.

  Entering the gym again, I see Aden and Laki already dressed; both wearing black gym shorts and nothing else. Laki’s broad bronzed chiseled chest makes me salivate. I can’t ignore Aden’s dreamy physique, either. No idea how I got so lucky. I went from having no man ever to four of the most gorgeous.

  “Hand to hand combat?” I ask.

  “Yep,” Laki replies while turning on a box next to him that starts blaring old-school rap. A smile hits me because I recognize the song. I even know the words. Music must have been something I enjoyed while on land.

  “You guys go first, I will spar with the winner,” I give them a wink and take a place on the floor to do some warm ups while I watch.

  Aden and Laki begin to circle each other as I stretch to the toes on my right foot. “Let’s make this more interesting,” Laki suggests, peaking my interest, “Winner gets to spend alone time with Meri.”

  “Hey, now,” I interject, “I am not a bargaining tool.”

  “Don’t judge us, we all want alone time with you,” Laki returns.

  “If you wanted alone time with her, all you had to do was ask, but since you made it into a challenge. I accept. Winner gets alone time with Meri,”Aden agrees.

  “I disapprove.” Both men ignore me, but I let it go. I have spent plenty of alone time with Aden, so secretly, I hope Laki wins–so much so, my attention is not on warming up at all. Instead, I am sitting back watching my guys intently.

  Aden makes the first move, and he doesn’t hold back. Their style of hand to hand combat is a form of mixed martial arts. Aden is strong and amazing with a staff and sword, but Laki looks as if this is how he was made to fight. Soon, Laki releases a barrage of attacks back to back. He lands one good blow to Aden’s abdomen, and before I know it, they are both on the ground grappling with one another. It takes a few long seconds before Laki gets Aden into an arm bar he can’t escape.

  “Mercy,” Aden says, laughing. “Someday, I will get you,” he retorts.

  “Only when you have your staff or sword. I will always win barehanded.” Laki smiles.

  “Bring her straight back to the room. If you don’t arrive in two hours, we will come looking for you both,” Aden orders Laki.

  “We will return whenever I am ready. For the record, I am okay with this, this time, but don’t make a habit of it.”

  “Cross my heart, it won’t happen again,” Aden smiles before leaving the gym still wearing the gym shorts he took from the locker room leaving his toga behind.

  “So, what now?” I ask Laki.

  He shrugs, “We spar. Let’s see if I can best a goddess.”

  “You can try,” I tease.

  And so the battle begins. We circle each other for a brief moment before I decide to attack. I move to kick him in the head. He is quick to grab my foot, forcing me to twist kick out of it. As soon as I land, he is on me, trying to find a weak spot, throwing punches and kicks from every direction. I have to move fast to block all of them. To be fair, he is making me work hard, but I don’t want to win. I want Laki to conquer me.

  I roll over his back when he moves in to attempt to take me to the ground. He surprises me by rolling with me. We both plop onto the mat together. Me with my back on the floor, and Laki with his body pressed against mine on top of me.

  “Forgive me Meri,” Laki whispers.

  “For what?” I ask confused.

  Laki twists and pulls my arm into the same arm bar he used on Aden. I burst out laughing. He used my moment of weakness to win. “Forgiven,” I reply.

p; Laki loosens his hold, and we both end up sitting up on the mat next to each other. “Want to go again?” he asks.

  I shake my head no, “I think I’d like to take a shower. You beat me fair and square.”

  “Yeah, by using my incredible good looks to my advantage,” he teases.

  “I am surprised Cara wasn’t into you, too.” I let out an exasperated sigh.

  “She was, but Aden and I couldn’t forget. I tried once . . . But it didn’t feel right.”

  Laki’s words hurt, “So, Morgan and Breck were able to forget?”

  “Oh no. They were just trying to. It didn’t work for them, either. No matter how many times they tried, they would end up in a drunken stupor afterwards. I saw it and knew there was no use even trying. Why torture myself when I knew you were the only one for me? The only one for all of us.”

  “I’m sorry,” I reply.

  “What for?”

  “For not thinking my action through and for angering Poseidon.”

  “Poseidon already had it out for you, it would have happened eventually. I am just grateful you are back.”

  I smile at Laki, my handsome islander, “Does this gym have showers?”

  Laki raises an eyebrow at me, “Why, yes it does. Would you like me to show them to you?”

  “Why yes, dear sir, I would,” I put on my best fake British accent, and Laki bursts out laughing. We both stand from the mat.

  “This way, my lady.”

  I place my arm within his as he leads me into the men’s locker room. The shower room is at the back, and I turn pulling him into me before we reach it. I jump into his arms wrapping my legs about his waist and pulling him in for a fast and hard kiss.

  His hands hold me to him as he carries me to the shower. I am still fully clothed and locked in a kiss when he turns on the cool water. It runs down my body over my clothing leaving a trail of goosebumps. It isn’t long before the water warms, and Laki lets my body go, allowing me to glide down until my feet touch the ground.

  Laki places a large hand on each one of my cheeks and looks down at me. His dark eyes reflect something far more serious than I ever dreamed him capable of, love. He loves me. Laki’s fingers trace my sides upward and underneath my now wet sports bra. I lift my arms up for him to pull it over my head. As soon as it is off, our mouths lock again in a passionate display. I love him, too. I love all of them.