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Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One Page 14

  I melded myself into Echo and into the wall. I had my hand on my dagger. I didn't know if I was as good with one as I was with a sword, but I felt I was soon about to find out. I heard shuffling near my door. It closed. They were leaving. They saw I wasn't there so they had decided to leave.

  “Shh Ari feel that?” One of the Dark Elves asked.

  “I smell her. Come out come out wherever you are little Princess.” the other elf said.

  “Trackers. Stay.” Echo sent. He moved off of the wall.

  “Is it a Princess you were looking for, tracker? I thought you were looking for little old me.” Echos voice taunted them.

  “Ari, did you hear that noise? Sounded like a disgraced Prince,” the voice sneered from the opposite side of the hall from where it was moments before. Moonlight cast faint light in slivers through the narrow windows above. Stay against the wall. Blend in. Don't let the light touch you. I kept telling myself. I heard a fight and a curdling scream.

  Whoever had died controlled the darkening magic because the lights flared on. I saw Echo standing over a dead body. Unfortunately for me one of the Dark Elves was right next to me when the light flashed on. He grabbed me by the head and before I could fight back he placed a cloth to my face and the world went black again.

  The story of my life since entering the Elmora. I awoke with a splitting headache in new bed. I was surprised I wasn't hearing myself reassure myself that I am Vera. Opened my eyes. There were lights on and a man sitting at the end of the bed. It was taking longer than normal for my eyes to focus. I hear someone to my right.

  “Good she is awake. Only six hours this time.” Tomilson.

  Relief flooded through me. I thought I had been kidnapped. I remembered clearly what had happened in the hall outside of my bedroom. I shouldn't have been so worried. One Dark Elf against Echo, he didn't even stand a chance. Especially if he was going to stand against Echo and try to kidnap his flame. Before I knew it three men were all around me. Echo brought me water. Garrik pulled me into a hug. Tomilson put his hand on my shoulder from the other side of the bed. I felt loved.

  “I am guessing the other Dark Elf met a similar fate as the first?” I asked with remorse.

  “No, I kept him alive. He is currently in Tindril's comfortable dungeons,” Echo responded. I could tell he truly believed the dungeons were too comfortable. I imagine he is right. As far as Tindril goes everything is the best. I had no doubt they made sure their dungeons had good lighting and were kept pristine and free of pests.

  Garrik snapped, “The dungeons are made to hold people captive not torture them. They are working well if you ask me.” I smiled at my men. I am getting used to thinking of all three of them as my men because they are.

  “So are any of you handsome Elf-men going to tell me where I am? Oh, and I would kill for something to eat,” Everyone laughed as Tomilson left the room. I am assuming he is going to get me food and coffee.

  “We emptied one of the rooms in the same private hall as the war room. It is only accessible by royalty and now after a ward change, Tomilson.”

  “How does that work. Are all royal elves able to get through?”

  Garrik nodded, “Technically speaking yes. I know what you are thinking and none of us think King Talon would try to get to you alone. Now that they know that you are being guarded by Prince Echo they most likely won't try again. He is an heir, thus his magic trumps theirs.”

  I smiled at Echo. “This doesn't mean that I am confined to a windowless room in the center of the palace forever am I?” They both laughed.

  “I told Echo you would be worried about being caged. No, you will have two guards with you at all times if you leave. There is the door there to the hallway and then behind that tapestry is a door to a small bathroom. Unfortunately, there is no sitting room available, but you can use the one off of the war room.”

  I nodded. I guess I am a target and so they have to be safe. I am good with that. Echo spoke up next, “We have doubled the sentries around the palace. We also took the eleven recruits from the other night and put them in the palace. They do not know where your room is directly. We did that on purpose. Instead they are to patrol all of the main hallways and server halls. We will not risk another sneak attack and my Father will know that. Next attempt will be much more direct.” I frowned.

  “I don't want people to go to war for me. I am only a Princess by bond, not even blood to one kingdom in Elmora. This all seems to be a little much for me.” I said.

  Echo's eyes narrowed, “You are not the sole cause of this. This has been brewing for years. My Father is power hungry and my bond,” he paused and looked at me and Garrik, “my connection to you gave him a reason to push over the edge. This is not about you alone, you are just at the center of it.” It didn't make me feel any better.

  “Rose said the Elven Council is divided. Instead being able to agree they are taking sides. She said four members thus far have left for King Talon's lands. Two are adamant on staying neutral and the other six are siding with Tindril.”

  “What about Finley?” I interjected.

  Garrik answered, “High Councilman Fin has sided with you. He does not have a voting power. He oversees the process to make sure all is fair.”

  “Can he come to Tindril then?” I asked praying. I need to meet this man who saved my soul. I need to know how long I drifted for. There is so much I need to know.

  Garrik shook his head, “I don't know why he hasn't came yet. I fear there must be a legitimate reason, but Rose refuses to talk about it. She says she knows, but it is for High Councilman Fin to say not her.”

  Grrr I growled and climbed out of bed. I was in a nightgown. Someone changed me. My eyes narrowed at Garrik. “Nothing I haven't done before little Vera.”

  I rolled my eyes and stalked to where I was told the privy was. It was small. The size of my bathroom at my old apartment. A toilet, a small single person shower and a sink with a mirror. It felt very human, very basic, no embellishments. I saw a robe had been hung on a hook with two towels. I seized the opportunity to take a hot steamy shower by myself. The only thing I am missing from my human life is the sound of music to keep me company. I sighed and turned on the water. It was instantly hot, no waiting for it to warm up. I was right, this was a great idea. I felt so refreshed when I was done. I put my nightgown back on, hair up in a towel, and grabbed my robe. I headed back into my room not expecting visitors. I was wrong. Tomilson was back with my food, breakfast biscuits, coffee, and eggs. Yum. Rose had also entered the room.

  I said my hello's to Rose then sat down to eat. I guess everyone else had ate breakfast already as I appeared to be the only ravenous one in the room.

  “What's up Rose?” I finally asked between bites of chewy hot biscuit perfection.

  “I wanted to discuss High Councilman Fin with you. I was trying to give you some space first, however now I need to get to the point.” I nodded, good I am an impatient person and all I have been doing is waiting. “He wants you to come to him.”

  “Absolutely not.” Garrik said stone faced. The other two guys agreed rapidly.

  “Fin says that you have the ability to not only realm walk but to move about this realm freely. He said all you have to do is think of the location and will yourself there. I know it sounds insane, but he said it is a gift that was always unique to you.”

  I shook my head. “So, like teleportation? Impossible.”

  “He said you would say that too. Fin said that you should practice in the palace at first. He said that if you hold on to someone they could travel with you.” Okay whatever I will try. I didn't say it but they all seemed to read it from my face when I nodded and went back to eating. I am not in the mood to argue with some ancient half elf about what some other ancient elf says I may or may not be able to do.

  “There is one more thing. It is a big thing.” Rose flushed. Whatever it was it was not something she wanted to tell me. “He says you need to bond with Echo and bed Tomilson.”
  I spit all of the food I had in my mouth out. To screech “WHAT?” I shot daggers at them all. Garrik groaned in his typical way.

  “Hear me out please, Fin says it is imperative to your safety and the safety of the realm. He said he will go into more details when you can make it to him.” she stopped and looked at Tomilson, “You are not her flame Sir Tomilson, but you can not deny you are drawn to her like a moth to the flame. Fin's words not mine.” Tomilson was turning red, “You were born for Vera, as Fin says he was born for her long ago. Fin claims you will not have a spark in this life because your life is already dedicated. If you came together with the Princess you will be able to find her anywhere. You will have the gift to think of her and then will yourself to be with her. It is an old magic. Not deeper than a flame but equal too with some extra perks.” Rose turned to me and added, “Fin said that you should have been experiencing the same attraction at this point and it is futile to deny it.”

  I rolled my eyes into the back of my head. I felt like a petulant child. I wanted to scream NO at the top of my lungs, but I knew she was right.

  “Is it true?” Garrik was in my head again. I nodded and spoke.

  “I don't want it to be true because I love you so much Garrik. If it wasn't for you I would still be living a half life. Working hard trying to stay sober. Trying not to get wasted and mauled by random gross men. Trying to not hate myself everyday of my life. My human life was hell on me, and then you showed up one day and took me away. You took me to a magic world full of adventure and headaches. As hard as they are I would face them over and over again to be with you. You gave me the greatest gift of them all.” Tears welled up in my eyes.

  Garrik scooped me up in my arms. “I am not going anywhere. I worked hard to get you and if I need to share to keep you safe from some damned secret destiny then I will.”

  “I am not sure how I got so lucky to be paired with you Prince Garrik. To all of you Elf-men to be honest. I have the best of the best, but how will this work? I can't be like okay, Echo first. I have to be in the mood. I don't want an awkward bonding for the sake of my safety. It should happen naturally if it is to happen at all.”

  Garrik has accepted our fate now. Echo looked relieved, and Sir Tomilson looked as if he could cry. I have a feeling that he has been in love with me since the first dream he had of me with my golden eyes. We may not be a flame, but if Finley is to be believed we are something equal to it. I have to put my faith in Finley. He is the only soul I remember from my previous life, and he is the one who saved me. He must have been who Tomilson is to me in that life. I trust him based on that alone. It feels right, and if I am going to put that much trust into him then I might as well believe that I can teleport.

  “Does anyone have any clothes for me? I would like to try this teleporting thing,”

  “We all thought you would like to continue to dress in pants and tunic for the time being. Prince Garrik had some made for you in your size. Some are lined for warmth and some are not.” Tomilson reached for a chest at the foot of my opening it and pulled out some clothing. I thanked them all for knowing me so well and slipped back into the bathroom to get dressed. Today I had tan leather pants, knee high boots, and a sage green tunic.

  “Okay Rose, how is this supposed to work again?” I asked.

  Rose shrugged, “Fin said it would be easy for you once you believed you could do it. Close your eyes, picture where you want to go, and will yourself there.”

  “That sounds too simple, but if there is one piece of me that I trust it is Finley. Who wants to go with me?”

  "Tomilson should first, since he will eventually have a version of this same ability.” Echo spoke up and I agreed. It may be easier for me to take him along because of that as well.

  “Tom Tom," I said reaching out to my tall dark haired, violet eyed, serious Elf-man. He grabbed a hold of my hand. I pulled him close. I closed my eyes and pictured the one room I knew better than all others. I could see myself and Tom standing in front of an Iris stained glass window. I reached for the ball of flame resting in the pit of my stomach and willed myself and Tomilson there. I felt nothing. My eyes were still closed when I asked Tomilson, “Did you feel anything Tom? I didn't feel anything. Let me try again.”

  “You should open your eyes Princess.” Really? I opened my eyes to see us standing in front of the Iris glass window. My mouth hung open.

  “I DID IT! We did it!” I jumped up as high as I could to give him a hard hard hug. He was smiling at me a soft smile. I paused and looked into his eyes. Violet.

  “Has anyone ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?”

  “Only you Princess,” His eyes swirled and darkened to a deep purple, “I have waited my lifetime to do this.”

  He bent his head and gently placed his lips to mine. There was no spark, no electricity, and no tingles. There were butterflies that burst forth from my flame. The kiss grew fiercer. It felt as if my heart could explode. I truly love Tom. I couldn't picture him anywhere else other than in my arms and in my life. He was the one who broke the kiss.

  “Now is not the time. We need to get back to the others to let them know we survived,” Sir Tomilson my responsible Elf-man keeping me on task. Garrik or Echo would have said screw the others and taken me right there on my big fluffy four poster bed. I held him close as I popped us right back into the room from which we came.

  “It worked and you are alive!” Rose shouted and gave me a big hug. I nodded with a grin that stretched across my face.

  “Who wants to go for a ride next?” I asked.

  “Can you take me to balcony on in the Training Tree?” Echo asked and I nodded. I knew that balcony.

  “No one will see me there?” He shook his head.

  “The snow let up today so recruits will be in the courtyards.” I looked to Garrik and Tom both of them frowned. Echo had a huge smile. I knew something, was up but I was having too much fun to question it. I closed my eyes and pictured myself on the dark balcony overlooking the training area we were in a few nights ago.

  “Amazing, You constantly amaze me.” Echo whispered onto the back of my neck sending little jolts of electricity pulsing down my body. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a door directly behind us.

  Lanterns lit up as we entered. It was a large room. Richly furnished with a dark walnut bed, a small wood stove, and a dark walnut wardrobe. The bed had a black and gold blanket over the top with golden pillows.

  “You Dark Elves like your gloomy colors don't you?”

  “Us Dark Elves like all colors. I am only fond of my house colors. Do you not like them Princess?”

  I stared into his golden eyes. His dark hands holding mine. The electricity had almost taken me over. I nodded my head. That was all he needed. He picked me up carrying me to his bed laying me back down. This was really going to happen, and yet here I am about to fight it again.

  “W-w-won't the others be expecting us b-b-b-back?” My Dark Elf-man chuckled a deep chuckle at my words.

  “They know where my room is, they knew where I was taking you.” Echo leaned over claiming my lips. His knee on the bed as he pushed me back into it completely. His other hand underneath me on my behind.

  “Tell me to stop Princess and I will try, but I don't know if I can.” His words rang true, yet I could tell he knew I wouldn't ask him to stop, this felt too right. He ripped his shirt off revealing bulging muscles of the likes I had never seen. I rubbed my hand along his arm. When he lifted an eyebrow and flexed I squealed in delight.

  “More,” I demanded. He chuckled and did it again. When I rolled my head back to laugh he was suddenly lower pulling off my pants. He moved up my legs tasting every inch of them as he went until he found the gold at the end of the rainbow.

  As his mouth pushed me to the brink as one of his big hands moved up underneath my tunic grabbing a breast. I wiggled away trying to pull the tunic up over my head, but it became stuck above my head on both of my arms. I was now being eaten ali
ve and bound while it was happening. My body soared with his electric kisses. I had to wiggle back, “It is too much!”

  Echo looked up at me moving up my body. His eyes never leaving mine as he kissed the small crease underneath my breasts and worked his way to a nipple. My arms were still stuck. I wanted to run my fingers through his dark hair and hold him to me.

  He adjusted his body he was laying on me and I could feel the length of his massive shaft press against my leg. I don't know when or how he lost his pants, but they were gone. I could feel the wetness from him pushing against me. I wanted more. I pushed my breasts up into his face sighing. Echo's massive arms reached around me and flipped me over on my stomach.

  “I have wanted to do this ever since I saw your sexy scars. I hate you went through it, but I love every one of them because they are apart of you. I worship no being other than you.” His deep husky voice said all of that while pressed to the back of my neck. My arms were still stuck. He dotted kisses down my back with his tongue running along the groove of the deepest scar. Echo's tongue of torture continued south kissing me the entire way. My mind could no longer think straight. The sensation of the sparks, of the kisses, of my arms being bound I couldn't take it any longer.

  “Please Echo, I want you. I need you,” I begged. His fingers reached down under my cheeks entering me. “More,” I thought as I pushed myself back onto them. Echo groaned. I knew he couldn't hang on much longer. I felt the tip of him pushing at me. He is big. He is so big. Echo was filling me to the brim. Every inch of him pressed into me deeper and deeper until it reached my womb and had nowhere else to go. His hands were digging into my butt cheeks. I could feel the fire in my core light and respond to our joining. I could see the gold tendril course from me into him and back into me with each thrust. It was so powerful. I feared we were going to light the bed on fire.

  My body was spent. Echo picked up his thrusts as my will was breaking. A giant hand released my ass grabbing my shoulder. As he pushed he also pulled me to him. My body finally burst. I saw gold sparks floating around my eyes as my walls closed in around Echo holding him tight. He fell down the spiral the same moment as me. He picked me up in his massive arms and pulled me up off the bed and into him all while I was still sitting on his cock.